Real life

785 19 10


Isaacs dead, lifeless body lies in front of him.

He could sense the boys fear and pain just before he was shot, but he still couldn't save him, he still couldn't do one thing, just one thing right.

The boys guilty hands are covered in the blood of the werewolf in front of him, he wishes he could just end it, end it all.

"You've failed him." Scott's voice rings in his ears.

"He didn't deserve this you did." He knows that, he knows and he wishes it could've been him, it should've been him.

"Your a failure." The pack repeats those three words until that's the only thing he believes.

One voice, the voice of someone he trusted, who he cared hell maybe even loved, the boy who he sworn to protect the moment he risked his life for him in the hospital, his harsh voice speaks louder in his ears...

"We should've left you in the ground at least he still would've been alive, at least all of us would finally be at peace knowing that you're rotting down there instead of living up here."

The worst part of that sentence is that he believes it, he believes every word.

"Theoooo..." Tara sings from the darkness, she slowly makes her way over to him as she has done thousands of times before to claim what's hers...

He doesn't try and run like all the other times, he just accepts it, he lets her take it back because she's right, everyone is, he deserves this.

Her frail wrist wraps around his ankle pulling him to the ground before tauntingly circling her finger around his heart.

"It's ok you don't have to stop." The broken boy whispers, she smiles wickedly before reaching and breaking through his rib cage to retrieve her heart. The pack cheering in the distance.

He wakes up screaming, hi-her heart hammers in his chest and his shaky hand automatically reaches up to his bare chest, making sure her heart is actually there.

His other hand goes to clutch the fabric beneath him. He keeps his swollen eyes shut, not wanting to open them In case he's still there. He can feel his claws slicing his chest and ripping the familiar fabric.

A warm, soft hand comes up to his forearm, he immediately flinches away from the touch, a small whimper escaping his throat.

His chest heaves up and down at a lightning pace and the ringing in his ears doesn't stop, making it hard to concentrate on anything. He can barely make out what the person in front of him is saying.

"T..." his mind processes that nickname the soft, concerned voice gave him. He realises who the person is.

He manages to form a word stuttering a little but still understandable. "B-Bab-yWo-lf?" 

"'s me T." He reassures the shattered boy.

Any pride or dignity Theo might have cared about leaves once he pries his tearful still yellow eyes open to look at his boyfriend and he falls into his open arms, breaking out into sobs as he does.

Liams hand brushes through Theo's sweaty, ruffled hair while the other wraps around the others waist protectively.

Theo tugs Liams shirt so that their even closer, his claws ripping through the shirt.

The beta whispers sweet nothings "I'm right here" "your safe" "I've got you" "it's gonna be ok"into Theo's ears hoping to calm the other down, which it does. Theo's claws retract and his eyes turn back to their normal colour.

His sobs die down and he becomes more aware of his surroundings, feeling content and safe in Liams arms. Their in Liams room, on his bed and there are bandages all over his body.

"T how are you feeling?" Liam whispers kissing the top of Theo's head, taking any pain the other might be in.

"Fine I'm fine." He lies, it's what he does best.

He looks up at Liam putting on his best reassuring smile, Liam didn't seem to believe him but he doesn't push it, he just continues carding his hand through Theo's hair.

"What time is it?" He grumbles, his throat still hurting.

Liam pulls out his phone checking the time cursing under his breath he says. "It's uh 10:36am and I was coming in here to ask you if you could come to know because you've been out for 3 days and we were waiting to hear your story when you woke up but you don't need to, they can wait another day if your not up for it." He keeps his voice calm and thoughtful not wanting to put more fears into the frightened boys head.

He clears his throat feeling tears build up at the memory. "No no it's fine...we need to talk about it at some point." As much as he hates to think about talking about it he knows he has to.

Liam gives him a gentle kiss on his lips before getting up to shower, he knows Theo is stubborn and even if he tries to tell him to stay home he knows the chimera won't listen.

He stops at the door way and turns around to give him another smile. "I'm just across the hall shout me if you need anything ok?" Theo gets up not bothering to shower and starts changing, his slightly wobbly legs nearly giving out but he catches himself before he can fall. Liam immediately goes to steady him asking if he's hurting but Theo waves him off giving him a charming smile. "I'm fine nothing hurts puppy don't worry." He lies...again.

After their both dressed and ready to go they jump into Theo's truck before driving off.

Liam keeps his hand intertwined with Theo's, silently telling the chimera that he's always gonna be here no matter what and that's the truth.

They both walk up to Dereks loft and Theo hesitantly knocks on the door.

What they don't expect is as soon as Scott opens the door a punch is thrown at Theo's face knocking him to the ground.

Once again I'm sorry...

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