Ch. 14 - I've Got You, Nena

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"Good morning, mi amor!" Rafael's bright voice greets his wife from the kitchen. Olivia notices Noah squirming in his seat at the table as he waits for his favorite breakfast, waffles and scrambled eggs with plenty of cheddar and parmesan cheese. She makes her way toward the fresh coffee pot sitting on the counter in the kitchen.

"Hey Rafa," she fills up her mug as she greets him, "breakfast smells nice. Are we having the usual Sunday feast?" She turns around and gives him a quick kiss on the cheek, making sure not to distract him from the pan of eggs in front of him.

"You know it," Rafael responds, "our boy is nothing but predictable when it comes to his choice of food." They both laugh as Rafael removes the frying pan from the heat and scrapes the cheesy eggs into a bowl. Olivia picks up the plate of waffles with her free hand and takes it over to the table. They sit down where their son sat eagerly awaiting his food. Once Noah finishes pouring half the bottle of syrup onto his waffle, he digs in. Between bites, he explains to his parents what he wants to do that day. Olivia tries to listen to her son as she pushes eggs around her plate, taking a small bite every so often.

"I wanna go to see Alice in the park!" The boy says happily, "Ooh, wait! Maybe we can go to the Highline today? I know it's kinda far but could we, please? Look, papa, it's so nice out! Please?" He continues to beg as Rafael chuckles and ruffles the loose curls on his son's head.

"Let's see what mama thinks, okay hijo?" Rafael shoots back before Noah can start to beg again, "What do you say, nena? The Highline sound okay today?"

"Yeah," she says in a whisper, "that sounds fun." Rafael puts his hand on her forearm to comfort her before he turns back to his son.

"Well, you heard her, Noh," he can't help but smile at the young boy, "the Highline it is. I need to pick up some dry groceries anyway, so we can stop by the Chelsea Market and maybe grab some gelato, hmm?" As Noah is cheering, Olivia pipes in.

"Oh, I have to call Lancaster before we leave," she adds, "I'll see if she has any openings today. Is that still okay with you?"

"Yes, of course, Liv," Rafael reassures her once more, "Noah and I can have some Papa and Hijo time while you're there, yeah?" He looks over at his son again who is wiggling in his chair excitedly.

"Yeah!" Noah exclaims, throwing his fists in the air, "Papa and Hijo time!" Olivia can't help but smile at her happy son's celebratory dancing. Once they've finished eating, Noah joins Rafael in the kitchen to help clean up while Olivia slips back into her bedroom to call her therapist.

"Hi, this is Dr. Maxine Lancaster," a soft voice answers on the other end of the line, "how may I help you?"

"Hi doctor, it's Olivia," she responds slowly, "I was wondering if you had any openings today, by any chance?"

"Hi Olivia, of course, I do," Lancaster answers quickly, "I'm available at 1 pm, does that work for you? Oh, and it appears I am open for the rest of the afternoon, so if you want to go over an hour that is perfectly okay."

"Yes, that's perfect," Olivia confirms, "thank you so much. See you then." She hangs up and rejoins her family back in the kitchen to help finish the dishes.

The three of them are almost all ready to leave for the park around 11 am. Rafael is finishing up trimming his beard and Olivia is swiping mascara on. Noah comes bounding into their bedroom and joins them in the bathroom, "you two are taking forever! Are you almost ready?"

"Patience is a virtue, hijo," Rafael answers as he finishes shaping his beard, "we'll be done soon."

"You're not even dressed yet, papa!" Noah smacks his hand to his forehead to exaggerate his frustration but laughs as he does it. Rafael rolls his eyes while he puts away his razor and cleans up after himself. He is standing at the bathroom counter in a pair of jeans, but no shirt.

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