Ch. 9 - I'm Here For You, Nena

Start from the beginning

"We're, uh, sorry for that, Rafael," Peter's cold voice lacks the comforting tone Rafael needed, "this isn't our choice. We tried to fight this, but finance is demanding we do it this way."

"No, no, it's okay, I totally understand," Rafael says quickly as he exhales deeply, "I wouldn't want to put anything in jeopardy, especially the cases. Really, it's okay. If I were in the finance department, I would want the same thing. My trial isn't something that I am ashamed of anymore. Sure, I was ashamed, deeply ashamed, for awhile, but Liv helped me through it. She helped me process it and understand what was going through my mind when I helped Maggie pull that plug. I had a hard time getting past all of it, but now we are here and I have moved on." Jack and Peter simply nod to acknowledge what he has said to them. He looks back down at the contract in front of him, making sure everything lines up.

"Okay, good," he nods in agreement as he finishes reading it, "so, Liv and Peter will be recording the hours as well. I will turn in the forms electronically to you directly? Will I be doing this weekly?" He looks up to Jack who nods before he answers.

"Absolutely, I will be processing the payment request for your stipend," Jack continues, "Peter and Liv will be submitting the forms to me weekly as well. Once I check that everything lines up, I'll send them down to the folks at finance. Does that sound okay to you?" Rafael nods before he removes the pen from his pocket to sign and initial the contract where it is required of him. He then hands it over to Peter to sign before it gets given to Jack to sign. Once both copies are signed, Rafael feels that the weight of the world has been lifted off of his shoulders.

"Well, now that that is out of the way," Peter starts, "congratulations. I also have a laptop for you to work from. We ask that you use this one for all of the cases to ensure the files stay secure."

"Yes, of course," Rafael confirms, "I've done all of this before, I remember." He flashes one of his cocky smiles at the ADA and Peter chuckles.

"I know, I know. Just making sure I reiterate everything to you that was asked. I think that covers everything," Peter says with a sigh, "I'm glad this is finally all squared away. I'm excited to start working with you. You're sort of a legend around here." Rafael chuckles and shakes Peter's hand before he shakes Jack's hand and says goodbye. As he is leaving the DA's office, he pulls his phone out of his pocket to check it, five texts from Olivia. Rafael sighs nervously and unlocks his phone to see if she is okay:

Liv: Rafa, sorry to bother you but have you heard from Lucy?

Liv: She was supposed to text me when she picked Noh up from school at 2, but I haven't heard from her.

Liv: Let me know if you've heard anything.

Liv: Shoot, I'm so sorry. I forgot about your meeting.

Liv: I love you. I'm sorry.

He gives his phone a worried look before he types out a response:

Rafa: Liv, there's no need to apologize. I haven't heard from her, but I am sure everything is okay. Remember what we talked about. Focus on your breathing, Noah is okay. Noah is healthy and strong. I love you so much and I will see you when you get home from work tonight.

Liv: Thank you, Rafa. I love you too. See you then.

He puts his phone away and catches a taxi to take him to the VPC office. When he arrives, Jake is waiting for him at the receptionist's desk with a playful grin on his face.

"Uh, hey Jake," Rafael greets his friend with a questioning tone, "what's up? You okay?" Jake can hardly stand still as he tries to play it cool.

"Yeah, man, I'm chill," Jake says in a slightly squeaky voice, he keeps moving his hands from his side to fidgeting with one of the loose dreads cascading down his face, and back to his side, "we're all chill, man. So chill. But there is a quick meeting in Conference Room A if you could come with me."

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