chapter 3: no more

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I walked out of the change rooms tying my hair into a bun.

"So... why am I here? I fu-- messed up my audition..." I said uneasily. "Don't worry love, we chose you because there was just a fire in you that was great for the song!" Jay said smiling widely. I nodded still unsure.

"So... I want you to do a small dance for the boys, then they will make the final decision." Jay said walking towards the CD player and placing in the disc.

"Oh um... okay?" I walked to the centre of the room as the boys moved to the back. I sucked in a deep breath and nodded towards Jay to play the music.

(A/N play video off to side and pretend she didn't do the pirouette)

I looked up at the guys, Liam held his finger up and motioned for the guys to form a huddle. I stood onto my feet and stood in the starting position.

"That was great, we would love to have you in our music video." Liam said, I gave them a curt nod and Jay walked up to me. "Great job." She whispered into my ear and turned towards the boys. "So boys, tomorrow at five?" She asked and they all nodded, Jay turned to me.

"Is that okay?" I shrugged. "Yeah I guess." She nodded and put her hands on my back guiding me to the change rooms.

"Now get ready for school." I groaned. "Do I have to? All that school does is provide drama, and that's one thing I hate!" Jay just shook her head. "If you don't go, do you think your mum will let you be in the music video, now do you?" I shook my head.

"I guess not..." She nodded knowing that I agreed and closed the door for me to get changed. I turned towards my school uniform and started to pull it out of my bag.

A thought occurred; If I was in this music video, I would be seen by people, they would know I dance, know I lie, and would see every flaw about myself...

I bolted out of the change rooms and stood behind Jay, I tapped her shoulder. She turned away from the boys to face me.

"What's wrong?" I grabbed her wrist and pulled her away from the boys. "I can't do the music video." I stated bluntly, she rose her eyebrow. "Why not?" I looked down and avoided her eye contact. "I just can't" I said before turning around and walking back into the change rooms.

I pulled off all my clothes and threw everything in my bag before walking out the room my head held low.

"Michelle!" A distinctive accent called. I turned around to meet the clear blue eyes of Niall. "Yeah?" I said. "We chose you to be in the music video, the only reason we came today was to make sure you were as good as you were in the audition video." Niall said, I shook my head. "But I stuffed up, I fell." I said avoiding his eye contact. "But you falling gave our choreographer an idea, you have a fire in the way you dance." He told me, a grin spread across his face. The sun reflected off his sea blue eyes, making them glow, he almost looked cute. Almost.

"Another time, I've got to go to school." I said before walking away, I could feel eyes burning in the back of my skin before it left, I turned my head to see Niall had just gone inside.

Slumping into my seat I pulled out my phone and quickly sent a text to Hannah.

Drama doesn't do well with me and I avoid it at all costs. Hannah understood this as we had stuck around on the first day of year seven, we were the only sane ones left. Eventually we picked out a few people that weren't stuck on boys and makeup.

Eventually they left, it returned to just me and Hannah, a few of our guy friends we would see at the skatepark, but I lost contact with most of them as they thought going to an all girls school changed me.

Most people wish that it had, but if anything it made me more of a smart arse, and getting sassy comebacks is always something that switches on when I see Bella.

"Hey." I turned my head as Stella walked in, she sat next to me.

Stella was one of our close friends, before she realized she loved boys too much and got bored of our conversations revolving around FIFA and football. She would occasionally hang around us to keep our small friendship alive and make sure we don't turn into complete strangers.

"Hannah has seemed a little... Out of it, today. What happened? She only acts this way if its shit at home or you two argue about who is better at some random game or some sort." I groaned leaning my head back. My eyes drooped closed as I tried to keep myself from blowing a fuse. Having a short temper doesn't help explaining something you can't help.

"I saw her this morning, I was heading to the--" I looked at Stella.

I have never told anyone about being a dancer, I wasn't about to start. I racked my brain for something good to say.

"To the skate shop, I was picking up a new one, I love mine but it's starting to get rusty, and mum is worried about it snapping while I go down a railing. So I need a new one, and I have a bet to deal with." I said mumbling the last part.

I do need a new skateboard, I'm in love with my own but mum doesn't trust it because 'it isn't stable enough' she wants me to get a Gremmie, as far as I'm concerned they're too fat and heavy so it won't work out.

"Liar." Stella caught me out. I've never been good at making up excuses, unless it comes to why people can't touch my sports girl bag.

"Fine, I was looking at skateboards to get Hannah new trucks, she's always complaining that her trucks are going to give out and won't last much longer so I was going to buy her new ones for her birthday. But I can't go after school because I have to... Help mum at work." I said, everything forming together. Stella still seemed unsure.

"That's a great story, if it weren't for the fact that Hannah's birthday was two months ago, remember? She had a bowling party." I groaned shaking my head.

"Early Christmas present then! I was going to look at trucks for her, okay?" I defended. Stella raised her hands in surrender.

"Okay, seriously, don't get mad at me, I was just asking." She muttered, I shook my head.

"I know, I'm sorry, I'm just a little frustrated with things right now." I confessed.

"Frustrated about what? What could possibly be frustrating in your life? It's practically perfect," Stella gushed.

I rolled my eyes. If only it was perfect.

"From the outside, maybe, on the inside, it's torture." I mumbled flipping my pencil in my fingers.

"Whatever you say. But in my honest opinion, it's a damn good life to have. I'd trade to have yours in a heartbeat."

"You have no idea." I mumbled.


Wow, I can't... I haven't updated in forever and a day, I feel so bad :( I'vejust had such a bad writers block for this story and ugh. Anyway, I hope you liked this chapter, I'm not satisfied but I owe an update.

Stay beautiful

~Alex xo

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Sep 24, 2013 ⏰

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