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The next morning I was woken up by Nora who also just got up. In my experience, this will be the only time she notices me during the day. But what the hell, I'm used to it. I got ready for the day and went down to the dining room with my backpack. After breakfast, Max took me to kindergarten before going to school himself. He does this every day because he knows as well as I do that no one else would think about it. So Max leaves early so I don't have to walk alone. In kindergarten, it is usually always boring but today it would be different. I was 100% sure about that.
While everything was being set up, for the shadow plays, we took our flashlights out of our backpacks. I stood around in the corner alone, as usual, waiting for us to start. At least until some of the other kids came to me. Monty and his friends, Justin and Zach, got together as a group. 'I saw your brother took you again. Apparently, your parents don't care about you any more than anyone else. I could almost feel sorry for you.' This wasn't the first time Monty had said something like this to me. Kids can be cruel, which is why I did the same to him. I looked at my modified flashlight and shoved the glass into his stomach for a few seconds. To Justin and Zach, it looked like I just beat him with it but I knew better. It felt good to finally get my revenge. From my first day of kindergarten in Hiddenville, he made me his victim.
Justin went to get one of the educators and Zach helped Monty, who had fallen to his knees. And what did I do? I smirked as I enjoyed this satisfying feeling of revenge. The smirk faded immediately when the educator appeared. I couldn't show her that I enjoyed the way Monty laid there curled up in front of me. To speed up the whole procedure with the educators, I'll get right to the point of how it went down. Monty's and my parents were called to pick us up early and now I'm sitting next to my parents in the head office. All the adults wanted me to apologize. Monty didn't say anything about the situation because he was afraid of me. So my goal was fulfilled, I finally got rid of him. 'Why do I have to apologize if it's not even clear that I hit him? He could have run into the flashlight himself or he just went down himself and his friends wanted to prank me. Because Monty doesn't say anything about it, we can't know.' 'Did you hit him, yes or no?' 'My parents taught me not to lie, so I'll be honest. No, I did not hit him.' Believe it or not, I didn't get in any trouble. We both had to go home early and that's it. At home, Mom and Dad asked me again if I lied. What I did, but they didn't have to know that. 'You taught me to tell the truth.' 'And Max taught you otherwise.' I just walked past them into my room.
When Max came home, I went to his lair. 'I heard what happened.' 'What exactly did you hear? Because I managed to convince everyone that nothing happened.' 'That's A+ manipulation,' Colosso said. I gave him a smile before I turned my attention back to Max, who seemed more serious than Colossus. 'You punched a boy with the flashlight in the stomach. I thought we agreed on no killing.' 'And I said that's not my intention. It was only a few seconds, not even close to enough volts to kill someone. I just wanted to teach him a lesson.' Instead of asking, Max just looked at me with a look that said I should explain. 'I'm no one to mess with. I won't get bullied anymore because my parents don't give a shit about me.' 'Wait, what? Why didn't you say anything?' 'What difference would it have made? My big brother, who always takes me to kindergarten, defends me because no one else seems to care. Yeah, it definitely makes everything better,' My voice dripped with irony at the last sentence. 'I took measures in my own hands. In other words, I got even and now he's scared of me. So much that he didn't tell anyone what happened. It's the only way I've been able to convince everyone I didn't do anything.' While Max was still processing this information, Colosso started asking questions. 'How did you feel when he went down in front of you from the electric shock?' 'I had finally gotten my revenge, so great. As Monty crouched on the floor in front of me, I felt like I couldn't be happier. I had the high ground.' 'That's why you wanted to build the invention,' Max hit the nail on the head. 'I've had enough. And maybe for a second, I thought that if I misbehaved like you, Mum and Dad would finally notice me. Or at least would talk to me for once.' I shrugged at the end before Max told me to go to my room and enjoy my triumph.

Max POV.

'You know what that means, Max. She has great potential to become a villain.' 'What she's done and felt is more than promising, yes. However, she must decide for herself whether she will go down that road.' 'And then we'll teach her everything she needs to know.'

Lilith ThundermanWhere stories live. Discover now