Chapter 1 - Calming morning. (8:29 AM)

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(Note: This chapter can be short though, no one is helping me with a fandom like this on discord-)

Narrator's POV

While everyone is sleeping in their rooms, Prophet couldn't even sleep all night so, he sat on the bed dizzy from waking up that early. He turned his head to the direction where the spear was sitting yesterday, but now its gone.

-„...." He looked at the ground silently and stood up from the bed searching his spear everywhere in his room.

-„What did i do with the spear yesterday... It was just sitting here-„ ...Then he realized that someone had to steal their spear again.

Until next hours (current time: 10:46 AM) He was thinking what to do, ask someone. Or just go somewhere without their spear.

Invader's POV.

I woke up and fell on the floor from the couch, and openned my own eyes (they dont have eyes but seriously- take it as a imagination.) My shoulder hurts again from falling down. I stood up and stretched for a chaotic morning, and saw Prophet walking around searching his spear.
- "Wassup?" I said to his back.
Prophet turned around to my face and said:
-„Oh. You fell off the couch once again right."
- "Yea, totally. But this time my shoulder hurts." I rubbed my left shoulder and still felt the pain.

-„Sit here, and just go back to sleep."
- "But it's 10 AM-„
- "Shh. You might wake up Dreamer like yesterday morning."
- „Hmph." I sat down on the couch looking to the window and hearing bird noises/chirping from outside. I yawned and after 47 minutes, Witness woke up.
- "Heyo, what's with the expression?" He asked.
- "Oh, nothing. Just staring at the birds." I said it in a tired voice.
- "Want me to make coffee or tea? Or just other drinks?" He asked me in a cheerful voice.
- "Nah, just tea."
- "Alright then!" He walked away to the kitchen, opened the cabinet in the kitchen and pulled out a kettle (not toxic kettle's head) filled with water and pulled out teabags from the same cabinet.
He placed down the filled kettle with water, putting the whistle on the pouring hole and turning on the stove under the kettle. It took a while though but that's alright.


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