the beginning of the betrayal or not?

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James's POV:
It all began in the morning. Me and Percy were at Thalia's tree and we heard a boy shouting help. Being the kelp heads that we are, we decided to help him so we fought against the hellhound. After the fight, he pushed both of us down and he took our swords. "I KILLED THE HELLHOUND WHILE THESE TWO DID NOTHING" the camper said and Chiron said: "all hail Leo Norman son of Ares, God of war". "Bow to me you idiots" Leo said and we both said no. We took our swords back and we went back to our girls and they kissed us. "Another Ares I guess huh?" Rose asked me. "Yep at least you and annabeth believe us right?" "Duhhh" they both said as they hug us. At the lunch, he came to us and tried to flirt with our girls but they slapped him so hard that his face must have done 360 turns. "Damn they really showed him right Percy?"
"Uh huh" Percy smiles and kisses Annabeth while I kiss Rose. "You lose bimbos" Leo said. "Leo shut the hell up before I break your arms". Suddenly all the Aphrodite campers fall down including Rose. "What in dad's name is going on?" "I don't know brother. We must do something" "annabeth please take care of Rose."
"James go with Rose while we will take care of everything and everyone else" I picked up Rose and I ran straight to the empire state building and I got on Olympus quickly. "Zeus? Dad? Aphrodite? Athena?" Only Aphrodite was missing and I tried to think why. "Where's Aphrodite?" I asked. "I don't know" Zeus said. "The last time I saw her she was with Ares" "oh no that's it lady Hestia can you please take care of Rose?" Hestia nodded and she hugs Rose.
I got on a Pegasus named thunder and I flew straight to Sparta. The view that I saw was off limits.
Percy's POV:
While my brother tried to find why all the Aphrodite campers are passed out, me and annabeth trying to figure out who would take advantage of it.
After searching around it was Leo.
"Why?" "My dad always wanted to be the next king of gods and goddesses and he will be once Aphrodite is dead without powers" Leo said.

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