the fight and not betrayal

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James's POV:
I saw every Spartan man and woman making out and do it as I flew on thunder. I told thunder to reach Ares palace and when we landed, the guards were weak I mean total weak without armour or something else. I hurried to the Ares chamber where I noticed that Aphrodite's power slowly got out of her body and I quickly take out my sword and yelled: "ARES YOU COWARDLY DOG WHERE ARE YOU?" and I noticed that he was holding an orb of pink power with hearts. "I took her power and now I will be king" he said with cocky voice. "I don't think so" I said as I charged at him and we fought. While we fought I witnessed that he was weak like he was predictable. Weird I thought to myself and I managed to disarm him and have my blade on his neck "give me the orb" and he gave it although being angry. I placed it on her chest and she woke up. "James you did it" she said as she hugs me. "Well it wasn't easy I had to fight your lover in order to give you your power back" I chuckled.
Percy's POV:
I noticed that Aphrodite's daughters are waking up and I looked at Leo "are you sure? Look" "damn it dad"
"Idiot you couldn't even outmatch me and my brother you wanted to see your father king?" I smirked.
James's POV:
As we stood up I noticed that someone was behind Ares and I said: "I wondered why was he so predictable. Eris. What the hell do you want?" I asked. "Easy. To take over the world"
"Oh great. Look it's over" I said before she tried to attack me. I managed to block her attack and we fought. I have to say that she is great with a sword but I managed to outbest her. As I put my blade on her neck I said: "yield and I will spare your life" "I won't yield to anyone" "you lost" I said and suddenly I noticed that she only wanted to be accepted by everyone else. "Leave and don't do anything again" "why?" She asked. "I saw it in your eyes the way you act it's because not only of your nature but also because you wanted to be amongst the Olympians. Go and I will promise you that no one will treat you like that again" she disappeared and me and Aphrodite hopped on thunder and we reached the empire state building aka Olympus and I ran to Hestia to hear Rose again. "My love you are back" Rose said. "I am here and so is your mom I mean our mom" "you are so amazing my pearl" "yeah I guess you can say that" "so who was it?" Drama queen aka Zeus asked me. "It was both your son Ares and Eris she controlled Ares and make him her puppet but she's gone. She left" "but why Eris?" "Let me guess because you treated her like an outcast?" I said. "What?" Zeus got angry. "It's true she felt sad"

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