Kronos's tomb and planning

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James's POV:
Reaching grandfather's tomb was something that even I didn't want to think but we had no choice. If we went to Atlantis, Zeus would find us. If we went to the underworld, again Zeus would find us. Alaska? Out of options because it's the land beyond gods and goddesses. We couldn't go there and be defenseless so the only place is here. The gods and goddesses,  who stood against Zeus, rested next to each other while the rest of us trying to figure out what to do next. All of us were pacing back and forth. Even Rose tried to think about something. Well I guess we will be safe until Zeus lose us. I thought about how we can use the time to our advantage and the only thing that I found is we can try to get some allies with us. We need someone who can help us against Zeus's army. Who would be able to figure out Zeus's strategies and be one step ahead of Zeus? Well we got two but we need one more opinion. We need someone who can outsmart Zeus. And I said: "I think I know who can help us. Remember who was the only one who knew how Zeus will fall?" And Percy said: *Prometheus of course* and I nodded. "If we find Prometheus then" *then we would be able to control the hearth from the inside with the help of Hestia* Annabeth said. And that was our strategy. Find the one who holds the secret to Zeus's fall.

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