26 - christmas day

Start from the beginning

She finished eating what was on her plate rapidly, thanked Mrs Weasley and David before she stood to wash her dish where her mother was.

"Mum, I need a word," she muttered beside her.

"Oh, does it have to be right now, dear?" she asked, placing her plate into the drying rack.

"Yes, its urgent," she said, giving her plate to her mother who began scrubbing it.

"Very well," Greta sighed, placing Athena's dish into the drying rack before they left the room. Athena led her mother into the lounge where they sat down on a two seated sofa, approaching the subject with a nature of uncertainty.

"So, what is it?" she asked.

"There's something I need to tell you," Athena replied with a trembling breath.


"You have to promise you won't freak out," she said.

"Well that depends what it is," Greta chuckled. "But ofcourse, go on."

"I'm pregnant," she blurted, cringing as she said it.

Greta stared at her in shock horror, completely frozen and not moving a muscle.

"You're- what?"she asked, her jaw hanging wide open.

"I found out a few months ago. I'm sorry that I different tell you sooner it's just that I was scared of your reaction and that you might want to disown me..."she rambled.

"Disown you? God Athena I would never disown you,"she chuckled heartily. "I can't pretend I'm not slightly disappointed. I would've wished for you to be more careful."

Athena dropped her eyes from her mother's, bowing her head and looking to her hands which rested in her lap.

"However saying that, the same thing had happened to me when I was just a bit older than you. And well, I managed to get you out of it. And I wouldn't change that for the world," Greta smiled.

Athena looked up at her and threw her arms around her into a hug, relieved by her ease.

"Have you fully considered that this is what you really want?" she asked. "To keep the baby."

Athena nodded automatically, feeling slightly uneasy as she did so. Her mother smiled supportively and uttered "right okay."

"Is it Cedric's child?"she asked.


"Athena Genevieve Greene, you haven't been sleeping around have you? You do know who the father is?"

"No I haven't been sleeping around. It was only one person...before Cedric," she explained, feeling imprudent for not just going along with it.

Greta pursed her lips as she slowly and unsurely nodded her head.

"And who is it?"

"Um..." she hesitated before realising it did not matter if her mother knew. After all, she didn't know who he was. "This boy called Draco Malfoy."

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