The Painful Past But Brightest Future

Start from the beginning

Name: Yami Okami

Age: 4

But there is always someone friendly to me, my big sister, her name is Kasumi Okami, she a UA student her quirk is the same as my dad, but it doesn't have a drawback. When I get hurt, she will always help me with the bandage. She also gives me food if the others forget about me. She always tells me stories about school and her friends like Shota Aizawa, who like to sleep, And Nemuri Kayama, who she still calls sadistic, whatever that means. 

Name: Kasumi Okami

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Name: Kasumi Okami

Age:  18

As Yami and I got older, our parents will train us to become the next no.1 Hero. But, even while teaching us, our parents will treat me like trash while they treat Yami like he is god, making sure that he is ok. They will also teach us how to use weapons and use firearms. I will often use as a dummy will have blade marks all over my body. Kasumi will help me treat my injuries, and she will always be there for me, and I'm glad for that. I thought she would leave me behind until Kasumi's second year; villains killed her as the villains escaped till this day, they haven't found the culprit. I was alone; the only thing I had of her was a bracelet she gave to me on my third birthday.

Time skip

today our parents took us to a quirk doctor to see our quirks. They took tests on us as we waited until the doctor came and saw us as he looked through our information.

 They took tests on us as we waited until the doctor came and saw us as he looked through our information

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Doctor Gin Sosuke 

Quirk: solar 

Quirk Description: By using the sun, the user can heal injuries, but he can not fix any broken bones

Drawback: Exhaustion, fainting, and heat stroke 

3rd POV

As the doctor looks through all the data they have gotten from them, the family seems concerned with the result; when the doctor is finished looking at the family, he turns to the family and starts talking.

Doctor: "I'm sorry to say this, miss and mister Okami, but it seems Yami here is the only one with a quirk while little Ran here has the one joint on his pinky toe but doesn't seem to have a quirk with him." as the doctor finished talking both Okami siblings have a different expression with the news.

Yami is thrilled that he has a quirk while Ran had many emotions going and leaving, but he was in despair as he couldn't have any power at all. Haruka grabbed Ran by the hair as the family got home and dragged him to his room to throw him as he looked at him with disgust.

Haruka: "grab your thing we are going somewhere." as he left, Ran grabbed his thing, including the bracelet Kasumi gave him as he and his father got in the car they had been driving for five hours as ran fell asleep, Haruka called someone on the phone asking them something.


As I woke up, we arrived at the orphanage as a two-woman was standing in front of it. One was old with silver hair and dark blue eyes, and the other one had long black hair and ocean blue eyes. as he got out, I did too after him with my stuff as the black hair nun came to me and smiled at me. Then, as dad coughs, I look at him, and he starts talking. 

Haruka: "From now on, you are no longer an Okami; you are just a piece of trash that should be dead, not Kasumi." as I look at him in shock that my father was telling me that I should die. Before he leaves, the lady with silver hair goes to him and slaps him as the lady looks angry at him.

 Before he leaves, the lady with silver hair goes to him and slaps him as the lady looks angry at him

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Silver lady: "how could you say that to your son?! I hope you die in hell!!" As da- no Mr.Okami leaves as both ladies come to me and crouch down to my level, put a hand on my head, and smile.

Silver lady: "don't listen to him, I'm sister caramel, and this is sister Yuna from on you live with us. you'll love it here, ok?" as they smiled, I couldn't help and smile back as sister Yuna grabs my bag and sister caramel grabs my hand. 

From that day, my life changed as I found my family, who will always love me and treat me the same as Kasumi.

3rd POV

as the sister and the little boy goes inside the building, none knew that Kasumi smile at them before disappearing to the afterlife before saying to them

Kasumi: "thank you and take care of Ran." 

here the prologue tell me how you guys like in the comments

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here the prologue tell me how you guys like in the comments

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2021 ⏰

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