lesson one: be more aware of your surroundings

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Sometimes I hate my life.

I thought as someone shot water at me with their quirk. "Asshole!" I hissed standing up again.

"That's what you get for tryin' ta steal stupid girl!" The round man said, reorganizing his wears.

I got up rub my hand together generating a bit of energy and gave him a shove. instantly he was shot back about five feet until he hit another one of his displays knocking it over along with variety of his goods. People in the shop let out a collection of surprised gasped and angry shouts.

I reached out, grabbed the hat I had been eyeing along with whatever else I could grab at that exact moment and began to bolt. Hearing the chime of the variety stores door on my way out.

I was putting some safe distance between me and the store when I heard the sound of an angry shop keeper yelling for someone to stop me. I smirked to myself, getting ready to use my quirk to bounce. Until I couldnt.

I felt the binding around my ankle before I saw it, it caused me to trip. I dropped the things I had just stolen in an attempt to break my fall with my hands but I still hit the ground hard. My heart was racing.

By now I had rolled over, sitting on my ass shuffling back as I tried to pull the white scarf of of me,

"What do we have here?"
A man dressed in black with unruly long hair of the same shade said. 

My eyes grew wide with panic. A hero had been right there while all that had happened. I pulled harder at the bindings, attempting to stand up and get away but to no avail.

The white bindings which came from him wrapped further around, up my leg and up to my torso until I really couldn't move.

I tried to concentrate energy around my body only to feel my quirk wasn't there. I looked up at the man.

"Calm down, I just wanna talk"

I didn't believe that.


"They've got a lot of cuts and bruises and they seam underfed but besides that there's nothing seriously wrong, besides maybe their attitude"

I heard outside my locked room. The nurse, whose name she said was recovery girl, was relating my unexciting prognosis to the hero Eraserhead, the man who brought me in.

I sat on a doctor bench, hands cradling my head as I tried to calm my breathing. 

More mumers occured outside the door before I heard the sound of a doorknob and key. The door was about a third of the way opened when I used the force of my body, slamming heavy into it and pushing past Aizawa. I heard a "Hey! Stop!" Before I was halfway down the hall, thankful the surprise force of me crashing into him didn't give him the time to use his scarf.

I rounded a left on a corner and took a right almost immediately after. Bumping into kids that looked about my age "exsume me!" "sorry!" I said as I pushed past the crowds.

I ducked into and open door and seated students turned towards the disturbance, and a burly teacher asked "can I help you?" I ducked back out as fast as I had entered. Racing towards the end of the hall, a window in sight.

I heard a P.A "attention staff, if you see a girl, of high school age wearing a white sweater and yellow sweats, we are asking for your assistance in the securing of them. They are not to be harmed.-"

I rubbed my hands together bolting down the last of the hall and lunging my open palms against the window, sparks ommiting as I did. I felt the magnitism of the window reversing forcing it away from me and causing it to shatter in a storm of static and glass, I jumped out the window, about halfway down increasing the attraction in my hand to the school wall and focusing my quirk in my feet to reversing my magnitism from the ground, about 5 feet from the bottom I tucked and rolled, my knees scraping hard against the compacted dirt.

I only folder for a moment, about to get up when I heard a "you okay?"

My head turned upwards, a boy, about my age with bright red hair asked. He was with a group with a few others, a pink girl with horns, a spikey mean looking kid, and a guy with yellow hair.

"Fine- I- I gotta go!-"

"Wait what's wrong?" The boy with yellow hair asked  grabbing my wrist as I was pushing past them all.

"Denki don't let her go!" I heard the voice of the hero who got me into this mess, a distance away.

I felt my adrenaline soar again, and without really thinking about it I forced a current of electricity out of my arm, against the yellow haired boys grip.

I expected him to drop but unphased he said "hey you've got an electric type quirk too!"

Before I could do anything else I felt the white restraints wrap around my arms. "Let me go!" I thrashed. I turned towards the the group of students with a pleading look.

The angry looking boy turned away with a "tsk" the yellowed haired guys smile fell and the other two looked as uncomfortable as I felt.

"You four, head back to your dorm." Eraserhead ordered.

I felt my stomach lurch as they all slowly walked away. A few of them glancing back before they rounded a corner.

I dropped to the ground. Head in-between my knees and hot angry tears welling up in my eyes. A moment later I heard slow soft footsteps stop in front of me and Eraser head crouched to where my eye level would be.

"I can tell you're overwhelmed, but that's no excuse to lash out. I won't force you into an exam room again but in return we have to have an actual conversation. Understand?"

I took a few raggady breaths and looked up. My eyes where glossy and red and I had a scowl on my face but I knodded anyway.

"Good. Why don't we head to somewhere more comfortable."

Aizawa got up and and I slowly felt the white scarf release it's hold. I stood up just after him, dusting my sore knees off, with the hand I didn't grab against a building with. I was shaking a bit. Aizawa put a gentle hand at the top of my back. Guiding me towards a different building.

There wasn't much I could do except go with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2020 ⏰

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