Chapter 19- Someone Else Leaves

Start from the beginning

"Next is a lovely musical theater solo, performed by Chloe," Kevin said while smiling. "This is Disneyland!" Chloe stood in her position at the side of the stage. Then, she started her dance.

Everything was going perfectly. She was performing like she was supposed to. Her kicks were high, she did her turns spot on, her jumps were perfect, and her smile lit up the stage. But then, the part with the switch leap came. She took in a deep breath without anyone noticing, and went for it.

She executed it.

She landed in her pose, which was right in front of the judges, and got a standing ovation. Ricky gave her the finger wave, which made Chloe very happy. She turned around and joined Kevin on stage as she drew in a sharp breath, waiting for the critiques. "Ricky?"

"Oh, girl, my goodness. You had the highest kicks, the biggest jumps, the best technique, and probably the most fun I've ever seen anyone had performing."

Chloe smiled. "Thank you!" She exclaimed. She was feeling very confident.

"Thanks, Chloe. Now, before we find out if anyone is on the bottom, we have Paige's solo, to Gary, Indiana. Have fun, here's PAIGE!"

Paige walked onto the stage with short steps. She went into her pose which was standing right in front of the judges. Alex told her to pull them in and get their attention. She smiled and put her hands on the desk.

Her dance was pretty easy. Basically, she had a bunch of turns and fan kicks. And walks. A lot of them. She was told to act out the dance like if she didn't, she'd die.

Rochelle whooped at the end. "Paige! You could be on Broadway sweetheart! What's up with the acting? It was off the charts!" She seemed so excited over the dance, when really it was nothing spectacular.

"Now, we need everyone out on this stage!" Kevin said into the microphone as he walked over to Paige. Everyone walked on smiling, confident they did well. Abby stood up and scanned the dancers' faces.

"You're all safe. Congrats." Maddie bit her lip, scared she would start to smile. She hadn't been on the bottom at all yet, and hoped to stay that well. This was her competition and she knew she would do well.

Next up was Brooke and Bostyn. Maud, who was in the audience, was super nervous. The girls had no energy and rehearsal and she knew they had more than they were showing. Kevin announced them. "Here's a tap duet to the song Party in the USA performed by Brooke and Bostyn!"

They walked on. Brooke hoped that this was her last week with a duet with Bostyn, and she knew she had to show she was better than Bostyn. The music started. Brooke hated everything about the dance, it wasn't her.

Bostyn gave it her all, but it wasn't enough. They seemed so lazy and it was boring to watch. A small clap came from the crowd at the end, and the girls knew they performed awful. Maud flashed them a small smile and shrugged.

"Abby, what did you think about the girls' dance?" Kevin asked.

Abby shrugged and threw her pen on the desk in front of her. "Brooke. You are a 17 year old young lady. I was extremely disappointed. Where was the energy? Nowhere. More. I need more. Bostyn. You are an amazing performer. But you were sloppy and off timing. Extremely disappointed in both of you."

Rachelle shrugged and took off the bracelet that was on her wrist and fiddled with it. "I think you need to improve on your performance. Both of you. I'm slightly upset. Please exit."

Bostyn wiped a tear out of her eye. She couldn't believe the performance she gave and its sloppiness. She was told that being sharp was key. Where was the sharpness? Nowhere.

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