Wrong Puzzle Piece

Start from the beginning

"Goodnight." I said quietly before either of them could say anything, standing up and making my way down the hall. I let out a sigh once my bedroom door was closed.

It's weird now. Ever since I started questioning this whole living dynamic, everything's been weird.

It's just...hard to get drilled into my brain.

They were starting to become Mom and Dad.

But who are you to shove yourself into their family uninvited? That's incredibly rude.

They're not your parents, Paisley.

They're Lin and Vanessa, and that's all they'll ever be.


I was way too tired in the morning for "Cup, Plate, Bin", but unfortunately it doesn't seem that I get the choice to opt out.

Lin had already left for the morning, so it was just Vanessa and I.

"Come on, please? You've got it." Vanessa gave me a small smile, obviously trying to be encouraging. But I couldn't do it. My stomach was in knots, especially after last night's dream.

Alex is always so angry in my dreams, and I can't help but wonder if what she said in the hospital was a lie. Maybe she was just trying to make me feel better, but ultimately, I'm the reason she's gone. It's all my fault.

I had pulled my phone out earlier this morning, ready to text her. Ready to ask her if she wanted to go to the park, or spend the night, or just do something.

But I can't. I can't even text her. She's gone, and that was a slap to the face. The worst way to start a morning is always...well, mourning.

I watched Vanessa look nervously at the clock, obviously anxious about being late for work.

"Not even a little bit?" She asked, referring to the portion on my plate that had stayed untouched.

I didn't respond at all, though. I only stared at her, watching her sigh as she stood up to clear my breakfast plate aside.

"Fine. Lin will do it." She said as she made her way to the kitchen, and I knew I should've just eaten what was on my plate.

Vanessa is much more lenient about this game. If I at least make an attempt to eat, she'll let me be done, even if it's only half the portion.

But Lin is harder on me. I'm not allowed to be done until all the food is cleared, and it's incredibly hard. I don't like playing it with Lin.

Vanessa hurried around a bit, glancing at the time once more before making her way over to me.

"Seb's babysitter should be here in...maybe five minutes? So make sure you let him in. And Lin will come pick you up once he's done at the store. Okay?" Vanessa asked, and I slowly nodded. "Are you okay to be alone for five minutes? I don't want you to be scared or...or panic or freak out because no one's here I just-"

"I'll be okay for five minutes." I laughed a little, Vanessa letting out a sigh as she was clearly distressed. Five minutes was such a brief window, but I was surprised they were letting me alone for even that short period of time.

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