*:..。o○ 5 ○o。..:*

Start from the beginning

He tried to take his mind off it during drills but drills were so mind numbingly boring that his thought couldn't help but drift away from hockey.
"Guys!" Minho called to them all catching their attention "since our captain hasn't been here for a few weeks and our first game is next week I've taken it upon myself to just set out a few plays that we can use as backups in case Namjoon doesn't show up in time"
Jungkook frowned slightly, he just wished Namjoon would come back.
"What do you think Kook?" Hoseok asked him as he skated up next to him.
"This is strange don't you think? It's just so unlike Namjoon" Jungkook answered.
"I called him the other day to ask him when he was coming back and he just hung up on me and didn't pick up when I called again. I'm worried about him" Hoseok sighed.
"I am too, I went to see him yesterday and he just avoids the subject of hockey all together"
Hoseok hummed as they paid attention to Minho's speech.

He wasn't as good as Namjoon but definitely better than nothing and finally they could practice properly. Everyone seemed excited to have a proper game of hockey and the coach even came in for a few minutes and said they were looking good.

At the break Jungkook hung out with Se-Yeon who was coming out of his shell a little and would happily chat away to Jungkook and Jungkook found himself forgetting about his worries with Taehyung.


The end of the day came and Jungkook walked to the other rink to find Taehyung. What he wasn't expecting when he walked in was to see Taehyung and Yoongi arguing, he'd never seen them argue in his life. They had disagreements but both would usually forget they ever happened, they never properly argued about it.
"Don't interrupt them" A voice from behind him said and he turned to see Ye-Jun.
"Why?" Jungkook asked trying his best to not roll his eyes.
"This never happens, let's enjoy it while it lasts"
Jungkook ignored Ye-Jun and walked down to the two boys.
"Hey, what's going on?" He asked interrupting the two.

"He took my phone and started texting Jimin!" Yoongi exclaimed.
"No I didn't! Why would I do that?! I could've texted Jimin by myself!" Taehyung shouted back.
"Well I don't know but you better apologise cause now he thinks I'm angry at him!"
"I'm not going to apologise cause it wasn't me!"
"Wait wait wait, how do you know it was Taehyung?" Jungkook interrupted.
"My phone went missing and it just suddenly turned up in Taehyung's bag with messages I didn't send on it and a million missed calls from Jimin"
"That doesn't mean it was him cause I would like to remind you that Ye-Jun is around"
Yoongi shook his head "he's off today"
"I saw him a couple minutes ago"

There was a couple seconds of silence as Yoongi turned and stared at Taehyung who had his eyebrows raised.
"Taehyung, I'm sorry" Yoongi said awkwardly.
"I can't actually believe you think I'd fucking do that" Taehyung almost growled at Yoongi before walking away.
Jungkook grabbed his hand "it was a mistake Taehyung" but Taehyung pulled his hand back, glaring at Jungkook before walking quickly out of the rink.
"Oooh some trouble in paradise?" Ye-Jun said his usual irritating smirk on his face as he stepped out onto the ice.
Jungkook glared at him "this is all your fault"

Ye-Jun put a hand on his heart "Kookie! How could you say such a thing?"
Jungkook rolled his eyes as Yoongi glared at Ye-Jun.
"And Yoongi I'm really interested to know who is this Jimin guy, finally found someone to replace Taehyung?" Ye-Jun giggled as he skated up to them hanging over the barrier.
"Get his name out of your fucking mouth" Yoongi said through gritted teeth.
"Ooh touchy, I'd love to meet him sometime"
"That'll never happen"
Ye-Jun just hummed in response.

Jungkook and Yoongi left quickly after that.
"I'm sorry I think I've got you in some hot water with Tae" Yoongi apologised as they walked out of the arena.
"It's okay, I think he's been in a mood recently anyway. I'm sure he'll be fine tomorrow just make sure Ye-Jun doesn't piss him off some more"
Jungkook was going to say something else but then he saw someone running towards them.
"Is that Jimin?" Jungkook asked confused.
Yoongi's head turned and sure enough Jimin was running up to them.
He ran into Yoongi hugging him tightly.
"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you angry, what did I do wrong? You didn't answer any of my calls" Jimin cried.
"No no you didn't do anything" Yoongi assured him "I'm not angry, please don't cry"

"It was Ye-Jun who sent you the texts" Jungkook added and Jimin looked up at him. It made Jungkook sad to see the usually upbeat and bubbly boy with red puffy eyes he'd never seen Jimin like this "really?"
Yoongi nodded "I would never, you could never make me angry, okay?"
Maybe Jimin wouldn't be able to handle Ye-Jun if a few texts made him this upset, Jungkook thought to himself. Granted Jungkook didn't actually know what the texts said but how bad could they have been?
"I'll take you out for dinner okay? Let's go home and get all nice and dressed up" Yoongi said softly, stroking Jimin's hair as he wiped his eyes. It always weirded Jungkook out when he saw Yoongi like this he always forgot that the boy had a soft side to him that only Jimin could seem to bring out.

Jungkook said goodbye to them both and went to walk home.
"Jungkook! Wait up!" Taehyung's voice called for him and Jungkook's head whipped around to see Taehyung walking up to him.
"I thought you went home already"
"No I went to go get my pills from the nurse"
Jungkook put his hands on Taehyung's shoulders when he got close enough "are you okay? You seemed really annoyed earlier"
Taehyung sighed "I'm fine, Yoongi's just pissing me off. Let's go home"
Jungkook nodded and they walked in silence back to their apartment.


Jungkook cooked dinner while Taehyung went for a shower. The older hadn't spoken a word since they'd gotten home but Jungkook knew better than to push him to tell him anything even if he was worried.
"Taehyung! Dinner's ready!" He called and Taehyung walked out of the the bedroom, his hair still wet from the shower.
Taehyung picked at the food in front of him making Jungkook frown "is it not good?"
Taehyung looked up at him "no it's good, I'm just not that hungry"
"Are you still upset about Yoongi?"
Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows "I just can't believe he thought I would do that. Does he really think that lowly of me?"

Jungkook reached across the table and tucked a strand of Taehyung's wet hair behind his ear "he didn't mean it, you know how protective he is over Jimin"
Taehyung hummed "I'm still angry at him"
"That's okay baby. Just try not to think about it too much"
Taehyung nodded, a small frown on his face.

Hey, hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Hope you're all doing well and quarantine isn't getting you too down

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