14. Special Girl

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It's sunny today!
Bonaparte seems to be missing so you decide to stay outdoors, on the lookout for him. To see when he arrives at the tent so you can greet him with a welcoming smile.
You are sitting down right in front of the tent when Josephine spots you, from the distance, and you notice her walking gradually become running.
She is grabbing her fabulous dress, almost exposing her knees, just so she doesn't get it dirty from the mud below her shoes.

It seems like she changes her shoes every time she goes into Lucien's tent as if she only packed her bags with them because she knows that camps are dirty on their own.
Looking at her, you notice how out of place she looks.
This reminds you of how you felt when you were at the Palace, with Napoleon, some time ago.
It's like seeing a beautiful mansion surrounded by old and haunted houses.

Noticing her shoes getting progressively dirty every time she takes a step, you look at your own feet.
Your wound has not fully healed yet, but it's much better than it was yesterday.
Pain has abandoned your right foot, but not your heart; for it aches for Napoleon's presence.
Bonaparte's boots stand right next to you and you remind yourself to wear his footwear if you want to walk around.

As you awaited for Josephine to approach you, Nicolas walks slowly towards you.
Your attention was on the woman running in your direction with a displeased look on her face, so you didn't notice the marshal next to you.
Nicolas tried to greet you but he instantly laid eyes on Josephine and examined her intention.
He makes the decision to walk out and greet you later in the day.

She ultimately reaches you and her face goes from displeased to burning anger in almost a second.
Without saying a word in the first few seconds, all you can hear in that moment is: the birds singing around the camp, soldiers moving guns and boxes around, and her loud breathing.
Rapidly, she catches her breath and tries to calm herself down.

Josephine: "What's your name, young lady?"

You remember that she talked to Lucien last night, where she asked all sorts of things about you; including your name.
Y/N: "You already know it."

Josephine: "Don't talk to me like that! Tell me your name, go on now."

Y/N: "Y/N. Why does it matter?"

Josephine: "Can you spell your name?"

Y/N: "What?"

Josephine: "Do you know how to read, even?"

Y/N: "I do, yes."

Josephine: "I bet you can't. You can't even put on proper shoes. Those are boots, things that ladies shouldn't wear."

Y/N: "I know what these are, do you want me to spell boots for you?"

You get up from the chair and you lean forward until your face almost touches hers.
Y/N: "B-O-O-T-S."

It was obvious what she was trying to do and yet you couldn't resist but to talk back to her.

Josephine: "I'm familiar with women like you..."

Josephine: "You'll soon see that this is just a phase that Napoleon is going through. He prefers older women, like me."

Y/N: "And what phase is that?" You ask sarcastically.

Josephine: "Let's just say that you are only a mere lover to him. He might tell you he loves you, just like he tells his mistresses that."

Silence consumes your surroundings until Oudinot breaks it.

Nicolas: "Enough you two, enough! Can't you see you're disturbing the camp's last hours of peace with your shouting?"

Y/N: "I'm sorry Nicolas... I-" Your sentence is not finished because someone else interrupts it.

Josephine: "I do what I please around here."

Nicolas: "With all due respect, mademoiselle Josephine..." (miss Josephine...)

Nicolas: "If anyone here can do what they want- that person would be her." His index finger points at you.

Josephine: "That's nonsense!"

Nicolas: "It certainly isn't! Le Petit Caporal said-" (The Little Corporal said-)

Josephine: "I don't care what he said. You know damn well that she isn't going to last and I'll remember how you are treating me in this very moment, Nicolas."

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