6. Love Letter

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You wake up.
The sunlight is hitting the window of the bedroom, travels through the curtains, and kisses you on your forehead.
It's not the only thing that is kissing you.
Napoleon is already fully awake but remains in the bed, warming you and admiring you occasionally.

After noticing you rubbing your eyes,
Napoleon kisses your cheek and says: "Bonjour, madame!" (Good morning, madam!)

While saying good morning and kissing him back, you spot some papers near the small table you ate at last night.
You think it's probably paperwork he's been doing while waiting for you to wake up.
Now with your eye vision less blurry, you can appreciate him more.
His hair is all over the place, just like yours.
His eyes not sleepy at all, it seems like he's been awake for more than an hour.

You start feeling his soft hand rubbing your leg.
And so, you start rubbing his chest.
The warmth of the bodies, feeling each other, caressing each other; gave you more reasons to not want to get out of bed.
Bonaparte, however, had business to attend to later today, and he had promised you that he would show you the rest of the Palace.

Napoleon: "Y/N, I'm enjoying learning about you and being with you..."

You stay silent. Just waiting for another phrase to escape the beautiful lips of this man standing before you.
Napoleon: "I am going to get dressed. I have something else to show you besides the Palace." He gets up but makes sure to tuck you in.

You still couldn't get your eyes off of his naked body, and so you cover your face again.
He tells you that there's no need to do that, he's comfortable around you and doesn't mind you staring at him.
After this, you proceed to uncover your face; revealing your pretty rose cheeks.
While putting on a shirt and his trousers, he asks for the servants' assistance to help him get fully ready and so leaves you alone in the bedroom.

This allows you to look around a bit more, exploring this new way of living you haven't seen but heard of before.
You decide to get out of bed, dress up, and take care of yourself, mostly take care of your hair.
All ready and curious, you begin to look around the bedroom.

Every time you look at a certain object, you feel you don't belong in a Palace.
Be it a chandelier, a canopy bed, a fireplace; even the chairs.
You keep looking at something, and then looking at the mirror in the wall, above the fireplace, and something just doesn't fit.
You don't fit.

A few days ago, you were sleeping in a barn, with nothing to eat or drink, and here you are now.
In an enormous Palace, with the Emperor!
You love Napoleon, but you don't like this at all.
His status is the thing that most bothers you; why must he be THE Emperor of the French?
Could he not be just a General or even a regular soldier? A poor soul just like you, you could've perhaps met each other while you two were trying to find a new place to spend the night in.
You want the man, not his title.

Looking through the window you spot the garden.
You start thinking that this garden could've been a place for you to spend the night if you haven't met Napoleon.
Even if the Palace doors were wide open, you'd still choose to stay outside; hearing the birds; feeling the sun, the rain, and the wind;
Do you love him enough to stay?

Your thoughts are interrupted by a knock on the door.
It's Bonaparte.
He asks you if he can come inside and you respond to him that he can.
You see him now fully dressed, with his greatcoat too, and displaying a serious face.

Napoleon: "I have something important to tell you." Bonaparte comes in and grabs one of the papers on the small table.

Napoleon: "The morning I spoke to my brother, Lucien, about you... I also wrote you some letters, but never delivered them."

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