First Day

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Hi readers! This is my first time writing a story on wattpad so wish me luck! Please enjoy the story. I will try to do story updates every week. 

Blue was especially nervous for the first day of Junior year. He'd been to this high school for two years, but he was still anxious. His sister, Luna, was had the highest grades in the school, meanwhile he was still trying to even get a B-.

 "Blue!" his mother, Burnet, shook him awake. "You're going to be late for school. Your father wouldn't like this behaviour!"

That made Blue wince.

Admiral, his father, had abandoned Burnet ten years ago. Burnet then met Silverspot, Luna's mom, and married her. 

"I'm coming, I'm coming." Blue shook himself and headed downstairs.

"So are you ready for school?" Luna asked, picking uo her bag. 

"I guess." Blue replied. The only thing that had made him want to go to school today was Cricket. Also Sundew and Swordtail, but mostly Cricket.

"So what are you going to do about that crush of yours?" Luna asked slyly. She knew how Blue had had a crush on Cricket since 9th grade. And he hadn't done anything about it ever since. He wasn't like Luna who had a million boys falling for her. Or Swordtail who was the fastest in track. Meanwhile Blue didn't even know if Cricket liked him back. 

It's okay Blue. You'll do fine. It doesn't matter if Silverspot and Burnet are disappointed in you when you get home.  He reassured himself. He walked out the door with Luna and got on the bus, ready for Pantala High.

Okay so I know this chapter was really short, and nothing really happened, but I needed a good chapter ending. Can I also get some suggestions for future chapters? Thank you!

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