Chapter 3: Canteen

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"There they are! Hey there lovebirds!" Hanok greeted the quarterback and cheerleader captain who walked into the canteen. Everyone wanted to celebrate the fact that they won another game and they now were the second best team, regionally. It was a good season for the Tiger Seals, especially if they'd continue like this.

"Shut up Hanok," Korra sighed and rolled with her eyes at him. Her hand that was locked with Asami's, fingers intertwined, was now placed on the cheerleader's waist.

"What? It's the truth, admit it."

"Well, is there anything wrong with that?" Asami responded, raising an eyebrow at him. Korra looked at her and snickered quietly, Asami's 'bitch' face was so convincing it could be scary sometimes. But the quarterback knew that it wasn't too serious, although she wasn't sure if Hanok knew that.

"Oh! Hanok, you better watch out, dude! Answer wisely or the entire cheerleading team will come after you!" Bolin laughed. Everyone was laughing now, except Hanok of course. They all knew that the cheerleading team was close and had each other's back, especially Asami's; the captain of the cheerleading team.

"Not the entire team," he said, eying Li-dha. All eyes were on Hanok now, especially Li-dha's. Hanok threw his hands in the air defensively, "All right, calm down you guys. It was just a joke, there's nothing wrong with it,"

"Wisely answered," Li-dha said with a playful smile, Hanok grinned and quickly emptied his glass. Korra thought she saw Hanok blush? That was nothing for her teammate, he wasn't the person to blush that often, if even at all. But then she shrugged her shoulders, it was probably nothing.


Korra looked at Asami with a dreamy smile and squeezed the cheerleader's side softly, Asami looked up at the quarterback and smiled brightly, completely in love with the girl next to her.

"What do you want?" Korra asked in a whisper as she leaned towards Asami.

"You?" Asami answered with a giggle and Korra chuckled.

"To drink, silly," Korra responded and kissed Asami on the cheek quickly.

"Same as usual," Asami said finally and dropped her hand that was on Korra's back. Then she sat down on one of the booth's benches that was being kept free for them. Korra nodded and walked towards the bar to get their drinks, she felt Asami's eyes burn on her backside and turned around; she stuck out her tongue to Asami playfully. "What? I can't help that you have such a nice booty," Asami mouthed and winked. Korra chuckled, rolling her eyes and shaking her head. She had fallen in love with the cheerleading captain pretty fast after they talked for the first time, which was a little over three, almost four months ago already. Although it felt as if it'd been so much longer ago, Korra couldn't even remember how it was or felt before she started to fall for the cheerleading captain.


"Asami!" Li-dha greeted cheerfully with a smile and Asami waved at her teammate, wearing a smile as well.

"Hey Li-dha," Asami responded and noticed that Li-dha's other hand was on Hanok's. A big grin appeared on her face, she knew something had been going on between those two. She looked at Li-dha's and Hanok's hands, then at Li-dha again. A grin appeared and Li-dha's cheeks darkened a little, while a big smile was formed by her lips.

"What took you guys so long?" Li-dha asked in a whisper, leaning towards Asami who was now sitting next to her. "Oh, never mind. I don't think I wanna know, although I probably already do." Asami stared at Li-dha with wide eyes in shock.

"We didn't—!"

"Yeah, sure. You can't fool me, Asami," Li-dha interrupted, grinning. Asami turned her head away from Li-dha, partly because she was somewhat offended, but mainly to see where Korra stayed. She and Korra didn't do anything besides getting ready, although Li-dha had given the cheerleader ideas

"Well, what about you and Ha—?"

"Shh, not now!" Li-dha interrupted and Asami snickered.

"Okay, okay! But I'm happy for you, okay?"

"Thank you, Asami. Same here— For you I mean! I'm happy for you and Korra! You both look so happy, it's really cute," Li-dha replied with a honest smile, she then released Hanok's hand and threw her arms around the cheerleading captain.

"Oh, thank you Li-dha— Whoa!" Asami was a little taken aback by the sudden hug, but chuckled and returned the gesture. Her and Li-dha had grown to be even better friends than they'd been before, it was partly because of Li-dha that her and Korra were together now. "Thank you, Li-dha," Asami whispered gratefully.

"Nah, no need to thank me Asami. I just needed to give you a little push, that's what friends are for!" Li-dha answered and winked.

"What are friends for?" Hanok asked, taking back Li-dha's hand in his.

"To help, dork."

"Hey, I'm no dork! But you're right, I think we did a pretty good job, didn't we?" Hanok said with a grin, mimicked by Li-dha.

"We sure did, Han," Li-dha agreed and pressed her lips against Hanok's cheek for a quick kiss. Asami smiled and sighed, they looked really sweet together.

"Wait, what? Hold on a minute—!" Asami said suddenly as she realized what the two had been saying. "What do you mean with 'we did a pretty good job'?" The two looked at her, at each other and back at Asami again. A grin appeared on both Hanok's and Li-dha's face, that was when it 'clicked' in Asami's head. She blushed and mumbled a soft 'thank you'.

As the two changed subject, Asami turned around until her eyes found Korra's arm resting on the top of the bar. The sleeves were rolled up to over her elbows, showing the tan skin. But not just her arms were bared, the sweater had crept up a little and made a little bit of Korra's side and hipbone visible. Asami swallowed and felt her cheeks burn hotter and hotter. The football player looked really hot right now It made the cheerleader's stomach tingle in a pleasant but ticklish way.

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