29 | Bower-napping

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"That's what you wanted to ask Jamie?" I asked.


"Well, sorry I don't, I could do it on a piano though..." I told her, trying to be any sort of help.

"I'll just ask him later, see you in a bit, you got Patricks text right?"

"Yes, see you in a bit," then we parted ways, her to go down and do whatever she was told to do. I to try and find Jamie again, for all I knew he could be half his way to Greenland right now. But it was already 01.40, so I had to hurry. I whipped out my phone and shot him a text.

Where are you? Eve had stuff to attend.

A couple seconds later his answer ticked in.

By the masked pantry hole

The masked pantry hole was some little room behind the kitchens where there were a small telly, loads of beanbag chairs and just in general really fucking comfortable. I hid in there the first two days, simply because it was so cosy, all the others hid in there too though. It hadn't been the greatest hiding spot.

Want to go for a walk? Meet me by the rocky stone?

I asked referring to the big arse stone that you somehow could tip over by posing the right place. The house we lived in was an old farmhouse, so the houses was placed kind of in a rectangle and bound together in the corners in later centuries. Then made into a hustle. It was a big white and quite impressive place, and not to mention cold and clammy because of it. In the middle of the courtyard was said rocky stone.

Meet you there in a split

He wrote back and I went to the front door put on my green combat boots, my grey winter jacket which made me sort of look like a marshmallow, my dark green knit scarf, my black gloves and knitted hat, got to keep yourself covered. Never know what might happen. Then I walked out to stand by the rocky stone. I looked at the clock, 13.54, only 6 minutes left which Patrick just now decided to tell me - or text me, but whatever.

6 minutes left D! Where is J?!

I wrote back a hasty message

On hi wayy

Hasty messages meant typos, now don't go ballistics. I was just about to shove my phone in my pocket as Jamie came out the front door. He was wearing a jet black winter jacket, also from the marshmallow-y section of the clothing store, a red and black scarf and he had exchanged his flat cap for beanie with a koala on the front. He was also - like everybody else - wore some sort of black sweatpants.

So where do you want to go?" he asked as he got up to, his hands was tugged in his pockets his shoulders raised against the cold. There was a thin layer of frost on everything and sky was grey, but it didn't seem like it was going to rain.

"I don't know, maybe..." I peeped at my wristwatch. 02.00 PM, where are they at? It wasn't like I could keep him here for long he would just get suspicious! But before I could even take another look around a car charged into the courtyard around the rocky stone at a hazardous speed, only to stop just in front of Jamie and me.

The backdoor sprang open and a whole of four guys dressed in black from top to toe jumped out. Two headed for me two headed for Jamie. I started to scream, Jamie started to scream and before I knew a black cotton bag was thrown over my head, my legs and arms hoisted up and I hit the bottom of the van, stars dancing before my eyes. They were really going at it. Sore limb or not.

"LET ME GO!" I screamed as loudly as I could, "LET ME GO! JAMIE!"

"SKYE!" I heard Jamie shout back as he was more or less thrown next to me, "WHAT'S GOING ON? SKYE WHAT'S HAPPENG?," his shout was cut short.

Get Your Guns | Vol. 1 | Jamie Bower FanfictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon