16 | Principles

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"So where are you taking us?" I asked curiously, expecting the interior of the fancy car. It was a red capriole, but the roof was up now. The seats were Black leather and the whole car smelled of conifers somehow.

"Just wait and see, Reap..." Jamie said looking at me out the corner of his eyes, had he just shortened his nickname for me from Reaper to Reap, that just sounded cute... bloody hell.... He wasn't wearing a hat tonight like he usually was. His hair was hanging loosely around his face in it fair glory. He was wearing light blue skinny Jeans and a grey tee shirt with a light brown leather jacket over. He looked good to be honest.

"Come on Jamie! Tell me!" I exclaimed turning my body towards him.

"Well you can see it right there!" he said pointing at a running sushi place at the end of the street. It was probably one of the most expensive places in town. He had got to be kidding me!

"Jamie I can't afford that! It's too expensive! I don't have a job if you hadn't noticed!" I exclaimed, there was one very simple reason I had never tried sushi - okay two reasons actually. 1) It was too expensive, and 2) it was way too exotic.

"Don't worry about that Skye, it's my treat," he said softly and put his hand on my thigh.

"Jamie, I would like to pay for myself!" I said sternly taking his hand of me. I had been in way too many awkward situations caused by money between friendships. It just wasn't worth it.

"Skye it's my treat tonight, then it's yours next time or when you get a job," he said, as he pulled in on a parking lot just across from the Sushi place.

"No Jamie, can't we go somewhere else?!" I argued. I didn't like being taken places were others had to pay for me. It was probably like that with all the modern women in London, but it just weren't a very comfortable thing for me to do. I hated owing money to someone. Actually I hated owing anything to anybody, no matter what it was!

"Skye I am going to take you to the restaurant whether you like it or not! Just let me win for once!" he hissed in frustration. I stared at him, my eyes probably the sizes of teacups. He face was turning crimson and he was starting to radiate pure frustration. His moods were all consuming.

"Jamie calm down... I just don't have the money and I don't like it when my friends pay for me, it's too much pressure. The pressure to pay them back, and then what if a cant, yeah.. I just can't do it J... Can we please go somewhere else?" I said softy trying to calm his sudden mood change, without success.

"No, Skye! I asked you out and now I'm going to take you to my favourite restaurant! Why are you making it so hard for me!" he almost shouted at me, his sudden anger was a bit frightening. His before so neatly combed hair now stuck in a weak parody of Albert Einstein's insane hairdo. But no matter how fucking angry he got, I wouldn't go into that restaurant, and he could just as well accept it.

"I said no, Jamie!" I said sternly, "I won't owe you anything! Can't we just go somewhere else?!" How couldn't he get it? It was very fucking simple: I didn't have the money to go in there! And that was it! End of discussion. He looked angrily at me, his pupils' black, running his hands through his fair hair several times, making it stick up even more. He seemed not to believe what he was hearing.

"No, Skye. We can't! Why can't you just... Argh..." he bellowed as he pulled in to a parking spot, turned off the car and pulled the breaks.

"Jamie, I don't have as much money as you do! I haven't done big movies! I haven't..." I said but he broke me off.

"You think I'm some rich guy, some hotshot?! Don't you? With a ton of money in my bank account?" he shouted, turning to me in anger, he looked like he had been greatly wronged. He face was red and I could see the vain on his forehead popping. He didn't even give me time to answer he just kept on going. "I have no money, Skye! I'm just like everyone else... I don't know where people get the notion from that I'm rich! I'm not!" he said loudly and sternly, but he wasn't shouting anymore. Though do not get me wrong he was still angry. He's words sounded stupid to me, you would only have to look at him to know that he was loaded.

"You're fucking Jamie Campbell Bower! You're wearing Burberry right now and you want to tell me you're poor! You have got to be kidding me! You don't even know what poor means! For god's sake we're sitting in a jaguar!" I was angry, because he was again, "No, you are, I'm leaving, this was a bad idea," I ended and turned to open the door, it was locked.

"Jamie, let me out!" I hissed, tugging wildly at the door.

"Skye, look at me, please," he said, his voice suddenly sweet as summer flowers. Why the sudden change? I don't know. All I know is what happened next.

"No, Jamie! Let me out now!" I said, still trying to rip the door open without success.

"Skye, look at me please," he just repeated softly.

"Jamie, let me out!" I exclaimed.

"Skye," I heard him say, he said it in such a way that I couldn't help but feel like bitch for making such a fuss. But he had gotten me angry and now I didn't know how to stop being angry. I didn't react to his words; I just tried to find some button that would let me out.

"SKYE!" He suddenly cried out and I felt myself snap. I turned to him in one quick motion.

"WHAT?!" I bellowed angrily, his face was a weird mash of confusion, lingering anger, sadness, but most of all determination. And before I could even get one more word out, before I could even think another thought his lips crashed into mine, hard and angry. I felt my body bolt as if lightning had just coursed through me. His hands gripped my face desperately keeping me in place, not wanting me to escape. Then suddenly my body broke into action, its petrified state suddenly over. I kissed him back, with just as much rigid need as he kissed me. Our lips danced over each other desperately, like we had been holding on for ages and now suddenly all the build-up emotions had blown up in our faces. My hand wrapped itself in his hair, the other one around his neck.

I climbed over onto his seat and sat on him, straddling him, all the while somehow not breaking the kiss. His hands went down my back pulling my closer to him, as he sat up to feel my body flush against his. My hands tangled in his hair. He growled against my lips with wanton. His hand slipped under my shirt wanting the relish of bare skin. His tongue stroking my bottom lip asking for permission to come in and I greeted him, opening my mouth. Our tongues danced and battled for dominance. The kiss was relentless and felt like a thousand volt had taken hold of my body. Everywhere he touched lit up like fire and spread through my whole body like a wildfire. I felt myself sighing against his lips, shakenly breaking the kiss, our faces inches from each other. He was breathing deeply as if trying to calm his excitement. Still holding my body against his.

That was when I it all stormed back to me. I could be doing this. And especially not with him!

"I can't do this..." I almost whispered against his lips and then I bolted out the car. His door somehow not locked. I ran without looking back. Not knowing what had just happened or what demon had possessed me. All I knew was that it was one of the most stupid things I could have ever done. I heard him shout after me, but I was too far away to hear what he was saying.

A/N: remember to VOTE, and maybe COMMENT if you are enjoy the story! tell me your thoughts it means a lot! thank you!

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