Chapter 4 Part 3

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Andy's Pov

"So your kinda ex-boyfriend, you were never officially dating, showed up unexpectedly on the same day your other ex-boyfriend showed up right after you almost finished having a panic attack about the first guy. Also, you never knew that this ex-boyfriend is a mutant and you still haven't talked to him or even attempted to figure out what he can do." Mia said. Lauren and I were sitting against a wall talking to Mia who was practicing shooting the bow that Lorna gave her. She shot an arrow, hitting the ring around the center circle. She frowned before turning back to us. "Did I get it all?"

"Yeah, pretty much," Lauren said. She was in a mood ever since both of her ex-boyfriends showed up on the same day, causing her to have multiple panic attacks. Mia looked kind of amused about the situation.

"So your love life sucks," Mia said, shooting another arrow. This one hit the ring around the one that she had hit before. "Damnit, I keep missing." she pressed her lips together and narrowed her eyes at the target.

"You'll get better, it's only been a few days," Lauren said.

"I know, but I've been practicing for hours and I feel like I'm getting worse," Mia said.

"Come take a break," I said, motioning for her to come to sit down against the wall. Mia sighed and came over and sat in between Lauren and me.

Lauren sighed, "I hate people"

"True that," Mia said.

"Have you ever had a boyfriend," Lauren asked Mia.

"No, but I had a girlfriend," Mia said.

"Had... What happened?" I asked.

"Her name's Oliva, I used to call her Liv. I was the only one who got to call her Liv, she would punch you if you did. One day I was kissing her and I guess I just got excited and I accidentally used my powers, just a little. The shadows around me swirled around us. It freaked Liv out, and she figured out I was a Mutant and she broke up with me. She never told anyone, at least that I know of. I'm probably never going to see her again so it doesn't matter." Mia said smiling sadly, she wiped away a tear before it fell.

"That's terrible. I guess all of our love lives just suck then." Lauren said.

Mia turned to me, "What happened in your love life?"

"Well, I killed my girlfriend then she was resurrected and is now trying to kill me," I said.

"You know what I think you win," Mia said, laughing.

"Yeah, I know. The one girlfriend that I've ever had died, then resurrected and is now trying to kill me and Lauren so yeah. I don't think much can top that." I said glaring at the floor.

Mia looked at her watch and sighed, "You know you two should probably go, Lorna's going to be here soon and I want to practice shooting more before she gets here."

Lauren nodded and stood up smiling, "Ok, and next time try hitting the center"

"Haha," Mia said, rolling her eyes.

I got up and followed Lauren out the door, "See you later." I said. Mia waved before knocking an arrow on the bow.

Lauren was a little up the hallway talking to mom.

"What were you doing in there?" mom asked Lauren.

"Talking to Mia," Lauren said, shrugging. I walked over and stood next to Lauren.

"Good you two are making friends. You need them." Mom said with that 'I'm worried about you' tone of voice.

"We're fine Mom," I said. "I promise"

"As much as I don't believe you, I'm going to let it go for right now. I was actually looking for you. John and I are going to go to Baltimore for a couple of weeks." Mom said.

"What? No, we need you here." Lauren said.

"The leadership down there is struggling. There have been a couple of issues recently so John and I are going down for a couple of weeks to help them sort everything out." Mom said putting her hand on Lauren's arm.

"But who's going to do the medical stuff here? No one else is trained in medicine and people have been getting hurt a lot." I said, protesting her leaving. We needed her here. My breathing started to speed up.

"One of the mutants that you and Lorna found, Josh, has healing abilities. Yesterday and today I showed him what to do if he can't use his powers to help someone. His powers only can't help in a few situations so I'm sure everything will be fine." Mom said trying to calm Lauren and me down. "It will only be for a few weeks. I'm not leaving until next week."

Mom pulled us into a hug before heading back down the hallway. Lauren looked at me, "We'll be fine Andy"

I pressed my lips together. "I just have a bad feeling you know."

Lauren nodded and looked back down the hallway mom disappeared down. "I know."

Esme's Pov

I wanted to talk to Leah a bit more about what the Inner Circle has been doing. Maybe knowing more about what they have been doing will give me a better idea about what they will do.

"Hey, Leah," I said jogging over to where she was sitting. "I wanted to talk to you a little more about what the Inner Circle is doing, or what they have done."

"Esme, I don't really know that much. I was only there for three jobs and they only told me what they had to for me to do my job," Leah said.

"Then tell me what your job was," I said sitting next to her.

"I would stop communications and see what was going on on the cameras and make sure that the sentinel robots wouldn't work. One time they also asked me to disrupt the electronics in the cars, so they couldn't escape or get back up." She said. Her red hair fell into her face, and she tucked it back behind her ear. My eyes lingered on hers for a couple of seconds. She was really pretty.

"Um, I uh, What are my sisters doing," I said, breaking eye contact.

"I don't really know. This may be wrong but I think that they're planning something, something big. If I'm right then the spy isn't just supposed to gather information about how to take down the Mutant Underground for the inside, I think that they are supposed to kill someone or multiple people." Leah said nervously.

I took a breath, trying to process what Leah said. "Who," I asked her.

"I don't know, I don't even know if I'm right but whoever they are planning to kill, they're dangerous to the Inner Circle's plans," Leah said, her voice shaking slightly.

"It does seem like something that my sister would do," I admitted. "Thanks for telling me."

I glanced back at Leah and she was looking at me. I looked away. "I should go tell the others about your theory," I said awkwardly. I tried to walk away but I tripped over a chair and fell onto another couch.

"Are you ok?" Leah asked me, coming over and helping me up.

"Yeah, just a little clumsy," I said embarrassed, "Wow your hands are really soft."

Leah blushed, "It's all in the moisturizer." Leah laughed, her laugh sounded like tinkling bells.

"Don't trip again," Leah said smiling.

"I won't see you later," I said, still really embarrassed. I walked away mentally hitting myself in the head with a flowerpot.

*Hey thanks for reading! I am really excited to get to share the next couple of parts with you guys. I'm almost halfway done with this project. I'll give you more information about how this fic is going to be separated and stuff later. But, I do really hope you are enjoying reading so far! :)*

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