Chapter 4 Part 2

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Lauren's Pov

Jack, my ex-boyfriend who I haven't seen since the day Andy got his powers is here, in the underground. How is this even possible, he's not a mutant right? My brain was going a million miles per second trying to figure out how this was possible. Is Jack a mutant?

"Lauren, are you ok?" Andy asked me. I shook my head no, no I was not. I was freaking out.

Mom walked in front of the hallway we were standing in, "Andy, Lauren, there you are, I've been looking everywhere for you. We got some new information about the Inner Circle. We are going to tell everyone about some of it tomorrow but I thought that you should know a little bit more than others. There is a spy working for the Inner Circle here. We don't know who it is or when they came or if they are even here yet but we do know that they are getting information on how to take the underground down from the inside. We are going to increase security to try to figure out if they are here or stop them from getting in." She said. I looked at Andy and my panic rose.

"A spy? Like for real?" Andy said I could feel him getting nervous which only made me more nervous than I already was.

"Yes, a spy. I want you both to be at the meeting so you know what's going on." Mom said.

"Why weren't we told about this when you were?" I asked.

"We just didn't have time. John was rushing us, he wanted to tell us about everything right away and no one knew where either of you was." Mom said. "I'm going to tell more people to meet in the living area for the meeting tomorrow. I expect to see you both there."

She walked away and I looked at Andy. "A freaking spy. Great, just great." I said, my voice shaking.

Mia's Pov

Caitlin had come to where Josh and I were staying. We were in one of the rooms with two beds pushed into the corner of the room with a curtain that could be pulled around the beds for privacy. We had crashed here last night after helping Lizzie and Cameron finish getting stuff together. They had just headed out on the bus that was going to take them to Baltimore, where they would be staying for now. Hopefully, they would come back at some point but Cameron's stubborn so probably not, at least not for a while.

"Hey, there is going to be a group meeting that everybody has to come to in about 15 minutes in the living area," Caitlin said.

"Ok, we'll be there," I said smiling as I put an extra blanket over my bed that honestly was more of a cot.

Caitlin left. I turned to Josh, "You ok?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine, why?" He said sitting on his bed.

"It's just with everything that's happened these past few days I wanted to make sure. I mean we literally are now on the run from the cops." I said.

"Yeah, it feels like we're in a bad TV show or something." He said laughing.

"Let's head down to the meeting now so we won't be late," I said smiling. He nodded.

We were standing in the living area where Esme had interviewed us when we had first gotten here. I saw Lauren and Andy slip in right before John started talking. Lauren's eyes were darting around like she was either scared or looking for someone.

"So, you are probably all wondering why we called this meeting. We recently got information that made us believe that we should increase security. We will be installing cameras around the bunker, not just in the main hallway, to make sure that everybody in here is supposed to be here. We will also be installing more security cameras outside. If anyone would like to volunteer we were thinking of having guards. We had them at the Atlanta station and thought it would be a good idea to have some here too." John said loudly addressing the group.

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