Chapter 4 Part 2

Beginne am Anfang

Some dude in the back volunteered along with an older girl. I turned to Josh "Do you think that I could do the guard thing?" I whispered.

He shrugged and whispered back, "Sure why not."

"I can do the guard thing," I said. Lorna smiled at me. I glanced around, a few people looked skeptical that a tiny blond little girl would be able to do much in a fight. Oh well, guess I would just have to prove them wrong.

A few more people volunteered, but not many. The meeting ended and Lorna came over to where Josh and I were standing.

"Hey, Lorna. What's up?" I asked.

"I was just thinking that we could do a training session later. I want to get a better feel for your powers," Lorna said.

"Sure why not," I said smiling.

Josh turned to me, "Mia I'm going to talk to Caitlin. I think I could help her with some medical things," he said.

"Ok, see you later," I said as he walked towards the hallway she disappeared down. I turned back to Lorna, "Well I guess I don't have any plans, do you want to do the training session now?" I asked.

"Yeah, let's go to the training room," She said.

I walked into the training room. It was a huge room with pillars holding up the ceiling. There were a couple of pillows laid out on the ground so if people were practicing fighting each other they wouldn't get too banged up hitting the floor. On one side there were a few targets set up to practice shooting at. I had come in here earlier after Cameron and Lizzie left to shoot my new bow a few times. I only hit the center of the target once in the thirty minutes I had been down here.

"I'm going to throw stuff at you and I want you to not get hurt. Okay?" Lorna said, bringing my attention back to her.

I nodded and pulled shadows in front of me, ready to teleport them somewhere else. I heard something coming at me from the side and quickly moved the shadows pulling an object into them. I teleported it into my hand and looked at it. It was a small chunk of metal. I smiled.

"Good," Lorna said nodding. "I didn't really expect you to be able to react that fast."

"I used to train myself. I would have Josh throw something at me and I would teleport it somewhere else," I said shrugging.

"Interesting. Have you started practicing your new weapons yet?" She asked

"Yeah, a little," I said. I walked over to where I had put my bow after I had practiced earlier, "I didn't hit the center that much but I got close a lot."

Lorna nodded, "Just keep working at it. You'll get there. You can't be perfect at everything right away."

I knew she was right. "Yeah, I know, just gotta keep practicing, right?" I said. I switched topics to something I had been thinking about. "About that security plan that John was talking about, how are you going to get more security cameras? From what I understand security cameras are expensive."

Lorna sighed, "We don't know. There are a few humans around here that help us out sometimes but they've been dwindling. Most have stopped because of the new mutant laws and the ones that do still help, I don't think that we can ask them to get us security cameras. There would be too many questions about why they would need so many. I mean we would need one in every room."

"Two in every room. You would need at least two," I said, "There needs to be a camera facing the first camera's blind spot. If you don't do that people can still hide what they are doing there."

Lorna looked at me curiously, "Right, we definitely thought of that."

I smiled, "Let's get back to training."

Josh's Pov

I left Mia to go to find Caitlin. I searched for a few minutes and found her in the medical area. She was hovering over a little girl with blue hair and a cut on her arm. It looked pretty deep.

"Hey, I can help with that," I said. Caitlin looked up noticing me standing just inside the room. "I have healing abilities."

"Ok, it's a pretty deep cut almost to the bone," she said.

I walked over and kneeled down to look at the cut. It was pretty deep, it looked pretty jagged too.

"How did this happen?" I asked the small girl.

"I fell and accidentally cut it on broken glass," she said, blushing slightly.

I nodded. Mia had done this at least 12 times when we were exploring abandoned buildings. She was clumsy and really liked exploring abandoned buildings which is not really a great combination.

I put my hand over the wound and pushed my powers through to her cut. I watched as my green powers glowed around the wound stopping the bleeding, and slowly stitching the skin back together.

The blue-haired girl watched in amazement as I pulled my hand away from her freshly healed wound.

"Wow, there isn't even a scar left. That's so cool!" The girl said, examining her arm. She looked up with a huge smile on her face. "Thank you!"

I smiled as she jumped up and ran off. I looked up at Caitlin, she was looking at the door that the girl just ran through.

"Impressive," Caitlin said as she turned back to me. "How much do you know about medicine?"

"Not much, just some stuff I've picked up over the years," I said.

"How about I teach you some stuff. Healing is great and all but you should learn the medical stuff behind it too," she said.

I stood up, "Sure. It makes sense to know what I'm doing when I'm healing," I said.

She walked over to a shelf with some vials of medicine on it. "What exactly are the limitations of your powers? I've been around mutants long enough to know you all have limits," she said, turning around with a bottle of red liquid in one hand and a vial of clear liquid in the other.

"I can heal just about any wound but if it's bad enough I can't heal it all the way, just mostly. Some wounds can't be healed but those don't happen often. And if someone gets hurt from overusing their powers I can't heal that, but if you have a nosebleed because of overuse of your powers I can fix that cause it's just a burst blood vessel," I said.

"Interesting" Caitlin said. She held up the red vial, "This is Hypercortisone-D, it can help when people overuse their powers. It's the pharmaceutical version of kick, so only use it in emergencies."

I looked at the vial in her hand, "Doesn't kick boost your powers?" I asked.

"Yes, but it can also stabilize them too," she said. That made sense.

Caitlin put the red vial back on the shelf. She twitched the clear vial in her other hand. "This is a sedative. If someone is freaking out it would be hard to heal them so give them some of this and they will calm down," she said. "I'll come and get you next time someone gets hurt. Okay?"

"Yup. No problem. See you then," I said walking out the door. I glanced at the shelf of medicine one more time before I left.

Lorna's Pov

Mia and I had finished training for the day about an hour ago. We decided to do some more tomorrow morning, to help her keep getting stronger with her powers. I was heading to the meeting room because Marcos said that John and Caitlin wanted to talk to us about something.

I heard some guitar music coming from one of the bedrooms. I noticed the door was open. I peeked in and saw Mia holding a guitar surrounded by some of the younger kids. She was turning one of the nobs at the top and strumming one string. The pitch changed slightly each time she did.

"Ok, I think I got it!" Mia said. She started strumming the guitar, she was pretty good. She was smiling and started singing a little as some of the kids started clapping along with the beat.

She was clearly having a lot of fun with these kids. It made me miss Dawn a bit. I smiled sadly and kept walking through the hallway. 

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