But I'm the referee, Ryan said.

So?, Tracy said as Ryan grabs the boot and places it by the back door.

Tracy grabs the other welly boot and the jug and pours in the rest of the cheese sauce into the boot.

Duke's coming!, Zac said as Tracy quickly pours the cheese sauce into the boot.

Quick!, Tracy said as Ryan grabs the boot and places it by the back door as they run out.

Oh, the jug!, She said running back in and grabbing the jug as Mack picks up the clipboard as they waited for Tracy to escape as they hid as Duke walks in.


One-all. Everything to play for, Ryan said.

Ready for another one or shall we just start moving things out of my bedroom?, Tracy said.

In your dreams!, Justine said.

You can drop the innocent act. When I come down after my shower, I want to find this place exactly as I left it. No booby traps, no flour bombs, nothing, Jenny said from the back door.

Yes, Jenny, they all said.

Ok, Justine and Mack, a Beaker dare special coming up!, Tracy said.


Mack unlocks the bathroom door as Justine slowly walks in and takes Jenny's clothes as Mack shuts the door.

Hello?, Jenny said as she stuck her head out of the shower to find her clothes gone.


We wish we could see her face!, Mack said as she and Justine walk back into Tracy's room just as Jenny enters the room angrily.

Really? Well, it looks like this. No TV for you tonight, and if anything else should happen to me today, I'll ban you from watching it for the rest of your lives, Jenny said.

Everyone's innocent till proven guilty!, Tracy said.

Well, I think the evidence is pretty conclusive, don't you?, Jenny said as she grabs her clothes from Tracy's arms and walks out of the room just as they started laughing again.


You haven't seen a load of cheese sauce, have you?, Duke said as Mike looks round as he looked up.

You checked the top of the cupboard door?, Mike said.


They'll never do it, Zac said.

Tracy's got to. Justine and Mack's done flour and shower. Tracy's only done cheese sauce. She's got to do the tree so they're even and Mack's climbing up the tree too for the extra point, Ryan said.

Shut up, you lot, I'm trying to plan my route. Ryan?, Tracy said as Ryan helps her up onto the tree as she begins climbing.

You shut up as well, Beaker! I'm also trying to plan my route too. Zac?, Mack said as Zac helps her up onto the tree as she also begins climbing.

Stop pushing, Tracy!, Mack said as they climbed further and further up the tree.

I'm not pushing! This is pushing!, Tracy said as she shoves Mack as she gasps as she loses her footing as she falls off the tree and lands on her back hard as everyone gasps.

I'll get Mike!, Peter said as he runs inside as Tracy climbs down.

What have I done, Tracy said as Mike runs outside.

What happened?, Mike said.

Tracy pushed Mack off the tree, Justine said.

What?! Why on earth would you do that to her, Mike exclaims as Tracy runs inside.

Mike, Mack said.

What is it, Mack?, Mike said.

I can't feel my legs, Mike. I can't feel my legs, Mack said as Jenny and Duke rushes outside.

Oh, my god, what happened?, Jenny said.

Tracy pushes Mack off the tree, Mike said as Jenny marches inside angrily.

TRACY BEAKER!, Jenny screams as she marches inside.

I'll call an ambulance, Duke said as he rushes inside.

Keep still, sweetheart, Duke's calling an ambulance, alright?, Mike said.


Mike walks into the living room with a solemn look on his face.

How's Mack?, Louise said.

Not good, Mike said.

What's happened, what's wrong with her?, Justine said.

Her entire thoracic vertebrae is severely broken and she needs major surgery to repair and replace it with metal rods and metal plate to keep it in place and straight, Mike said.

What's a thoracic vertebrae?, Louise said.

It's a section in your spine, Mike said.

Is she gonna be able to walk again?, Zac said.

The doctors say there's a 20 percent chance that she'll be able to walk again, Mike said.

How many percent chance will she never be able to walk again?, Ryan said.

Mike stayed silent.

Mike, what is the chance that she'll never be able to walk again? Tell us please, Louise pleads.

Mike?, Tracy said.

There's a 50 percent chance that she'll never be able to walk again, Mike said as everyone gasps.

What have I done?, Tracy said.

Yes, what have you done, Tracy Beaker. What have you done, Mike said as he walks out of the living room.

This is all my fault, Tracy said.

I know you and Mack dislike each other but she would never intentionally push you off a tree and send you off to hospital like you did to her and all those arguments and fights you had were forgive and forget and apologies but apologies won't fix it this time and you, Tracy Beaker, you went extremely too far this time, way too far. Come on guys, let's go to the hospital and visit our friend, Adele said as they all stood up and left the living room.

Tracy was sat in the living room on her own as she brought out a picture frame with a photo of her and Mack smiling and hugging each other at Mack's ninth birthday party.

Mack, I'm so sorry for what I did to you. I wish I could turn back time so I could be the one being pushed off the tree but when you come back, I know you're going to be mad at me but I hope you forgive me, please forgive me, please, Tracy sniffles as she holds the picture frame to her chest

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