𝟑, 𝐰𝐚𝐢𝐭... 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭?

Start from the beginning

I gave him another suspicious look before I reclaimed my spot on the bed, at full attention and curious as to where Izuku was going with this. 

"Oh! You can't tell my mom! Or anyone for that matter... p-please.." he blurted out suddenly. I blinked at him before letting out a chuckle and nodding my head. "Of course! Who am I gonna tell? I barely have any real friends." 

He smacked his lips and playfully rolled his eyes, clearly not believing my statement. Then resumed a more solemn expression as he further explained his encounter with All Might.

"So, uh, when I was walking home, All Might suddenly appeared but, it wasn't All Might... I mean i-it was but it didn't look like him. He was shorter and skinnier, much skinnier. He just looked different." I stared at him puzzled, trying to envision an All Might that was short and skinny. It was hard to visualize.

"But he thanked me, and said I inspired him I... imagine your idol telling you that you inspired them? It was like a dream. " His voice was pensive as he seemed to be thinking about his encounter with the world famous hero. "And then... he told me the secret of his quirk. He said it was..."

Pausing, he looked around his room as if he felt someone was watching or listening in our conversation and scooted towards me. "His quirk was passed down to him. He wasn't born with it."

I let out a soft gasp and sat back a bit. "What? All Might wasn't born with his quirk? But.... but how is that possible I-"

"I know! I was shook when he told me! Something like that is just... completely unheard of in our society. But he explained to me that each owner for his quirk― called One For All― looks for a successor to pass his quirk down to, which is how he got it; someone thought he was worthy and chose him. And now...."

Izuku slightly raised his right hand and clenched it into a fist. A determined look flashed in his eye and that's how I knew he was serious and passionate about whatever he experienced, or what was running through his head. "He's passing it on to me. I'm going to be the next person to inherit One for All!"

Surprised, I raised my eyebrows and stared at him. I couldn't help but smile and grabbed him again for another hug. "Izuku that's so amazing! I'm proud of you already!" I could hear Izuku sputtering and laughing nervously behind me. 

"Do you know the amount of power you'd be getting? It's just crazy!" I added, getting excited about my cousin's news.

He nodded, now feeding off my excitement. "Yeah I know! This is something I've been dreaming about since I was a kid. And to think it's actually going to come true... I'd finally have a real chance to get into U.A.! But, All Might said my body wouldn't be able to handle all his power, and I'd have to train my body every day to prepare for his quirk. I'm starting tomorrow actually, since U.A.'s entrance exam is in just a few months."

My heart unconsciously began to beat faster at Izuku's mention of attending U.A. High School. That reminds me....

"I really am proud of you, cous. Speaking of U.A., there's a good chance we might be going to the same school." I said with a faint smirk gracing my face. 

It was Izuku's turn for his eyes to grow wide, looking very glossy. His arms were flailing in all directions and I shook my head and laughed out loud. "W-w-what?? You? U.A.? B-but how? You don't even use your quirk? Don't get me wrong, I would love to have someone I know be there with me but just.... what?"

I grabbed my water bottle that sat on his desk and took a swig of it. "Okay so, when we separated, your mom told me to go to the police station because she was there waiting, and so was a detective and real teachers from U.A."

♯ 𝖗𝖊𝖈𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖈𝖍𝖊. (  𝐒. 𝐓𝐎𝐃𝐎𝐑𝐎𝐊𝐈  )Where stories live. Discover now