I interrupted, "I have to stay with them until their parents arrive anyway. I don't mind looking after your son. With his injuries, he'll be here the longest, so if you can't be here with him, I will gladly be here for you and keep you updated."

There was a pause on the other line, "Thank you so much, Ms. Montoya."

"It's my job to care for them and help when I can. Don't be afraid to ask anything of me. You won't be overstepping." I smiled, even though she couldn't see me. I needed to let Midoriya know how this is affecting his poor sweet mom. "I know where you are coming from. My mom was a single mom and was always worried about me when I was in my hero training. So I will definitely advise your son to calm down and not push himself too much."

"I don't know how she did it." The woman breathed out.

"Honestly? It was tough. She still worries about me." I nervously laughed.

"Alright, well, thank you again. It's nice to hear that you know where my worries stem from. I'll let you go now to focus on the boys. Give them my support and let them all know. I hope they are all okay."

"I will, Mrs. Midoriya. I'll keep you updated on your son." And the line was cut. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, and I was transported back into time, listening to my mom's frantic yelling at Nezu after my licensing exam...

"I told you to put her in the general course, Nezu!" My mom frailed her arms, her onyx curls bouncing in response. "Now look, she almost died taking this stupid hero licensing exam!"

"She did really well using her quirk. It allowed her to pass. And look! She's perfectly fine. Her costume is a little wet, but she's fine." Nezu responded.

"The other students nearly drowned her! She wasn't moving for two whole minutes!" There was another pause followed by sobbing, "I can't take this. I tried my best to keep her safe for fifteen years. You don't understand the sacrifices I made... I know I might not be the best parent or that I might seem irrational. But I know I am right about one thing. Her quirk. It's not something that will bring her happiness. She will always be targeted for it, and I don't feel comfortable with her having a career where she showcases it."
It's not something that will bring her happiness...

I couldn't help but laugh. She wasn't wrong.

I felt a handset itself on my left knee, and I turned to see Gran Torino, "That boy, is sure, a lot of trouble. It reminds me of Toshinori."

"Yeah. It makes you better understand why he chose him. His mom is super worried about him, though. It reminds me a little about mine." I looked down at my feet, a little ashamed of all the crap I give my mom despite everything.

"Eh, your mom was holding you back based on her own fears of not being able to control everything in her life. Otherwise, she wouldn't show any disdain towards everything you do." And then there's Gran Torino reminding me why I don't have a good relationship with her in the first place. "Still, I have to admit, you wouldn't be the person you are without her raising you in the first place, so she is a decent mom."

"She's not all bad." I looked over at the old man who decided to sit next to me.

"Oh yeah, making your daughter feel guilty for using her quirk to help people because dear old mom and dad were going to come and find you. Even though you made friends with a long list of pros that would protect you. And then when you left for the U.S., she was angry, and even now, with the lawsuit and losing your license, she blames you for not standing by and letting everything happen. She's nicer to others than you because she sees you as a little girl that doesn't know anything about the world. Forgetting everything you ever went through... She doesn't see you as a person."

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