Chapter 15

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I wish I could say that was the only call I got from Gemini. But then I would be lying, and I hate lying. He started harassing me during random hours of the day; I felt dirty and disgusted with myself that I could let him get to me. Luckily, Nezu said that he'd get me a new number soon, so hopefully, that will be the end of it.

"Ashido, be professional and respectful. It's 'Yes, sir.' I hope you don't act like that during your internship," Aizawa chastised poor Mina because she was happily cheering about the work-study about to start.

"Yes, sir." She pouted and muttered in response.

I smiled and spoke up, "Remember now, everyone, I will be in contact with all the pros and agencies you are working with, so I will be aware of any problems or concerns that occur during the week. I will also be on-call anytime you need me. I will also be letting Eraserhead know about any concerns from your internships so we could work on different learning plans for when you come back."

All of the students nodded and gave understanding smiles, well, except for grumpy Bakugo and stoic Todoroki, but it's to be expected. The only other person who wasn't as excited as everyone else was Iida, but I was already well aware of why. I didn't have time to talk to Aizawa about Iida's decision and how we should've encouraged him to take another hero. Luckily Manual will be able to keep Iida on track with his internship. I trust the hero is capable of doing that.

We bid our goodbyes to our students and wished them luck on their internships. Aizawa let out a sigh, "Finally, will have some peace and quiet."

I turned to my left and looked up at him, "Hmm? Oh, yeah, I guess." I lightly chuckled.

"You think they're going to get into problems while they're gone?"

"Is it even a question? I literally had Vlad set up a date on the last day before they all come back just to avoid having any interruptions."

"Hmmm." He started walking away towards the exit of the station, leaving me to follow behind. "So you and him are really something? I kind of expected it, but it feels off. I don't know why."

"Probably because of the size difference. The man is built like a tank while I'm just small and slightly tubby since I haven't been doing hero work in a while." I shrugged.

"I would say more because of the personalities, but I can't really say anything. I hang out with Mic." He took a small pause, "You seem physically fine to me. You were always a little curvier than most people." I raised my eyebrow at him, "It's an observation I've made knowing you. I wasn't trying to be inappropriate."

I squinted my eyes at him, suspiciously, "Right... Anyhoo, Vlad, and I are getting along well, just been busy with the students. Luckily after the summer, Lily takes over Class 1-B again so that I won't be as busy. Not that I didn't mind helping her out."

"You didn't need to be with Vlad dropping off his students here?" Aizawa looked down at me as we continued walking.

I shook my head, "He said that it was fine that I didn't. He also made a comment about you needing the extra help, but I defended our class, and you so don't worry about it."

"I wasn't, but thanks, I guess." His response was short and a little tensed as if he was uncomfortable.

"Shota, are you okay?" I went to grab his arm to pull him in my direction to see his face.

He just gave me a confused and slightly offended expression, "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

Face it, you guys still have feelings for each other...

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