Chappy 2

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The moment my feet hit the pavement I knew I had there choices and none of them were easy to choose from. Breathing heavily my heart hammered in my chest. One, I could get back in the truck and be something I know I'm not. Two, I could run and hopefully he wouldn't catch me. Or three, and the last one didn't seem rationale.

I looked around quickly debating which to choose and slid my hand in my jacket pocket clutched the 9 millimeters handgun. It was all too familiar, the weight the pressure on the trigger, how many times I had held this gun to my head? Too many to count, I blinked for one second doubting myself as a tear fell from my face. I didn't even realize I had been crying till I felt the silent tear escape and run down my cheek like the first drop of rain in a storm.

I slid the door back open, stood sure, and pointed the gun right at Dukes head. No going back now.

"Woah? What..whhat are you doing..?" He looked so confused at a loss of words he put his hands out to reason with me, "Trixie-".

"Don't." I take my finger off the trigger and push the safety off. "Don't ever call me that again." Soft tears continuously fall and my voice fails me as I gasp for air and shake the gun, repeating myself.

"Never again. You understand me. I'm not yours and I never will be."

Duke put his hands out to me for a hug, "I'm so sorry for the pain I've caused you." He frowns when I don't accept his open arms, "you'll alays be my Trixie." He started to slide out of the seat towards me, towards my gun, towards his death.

"No, dont, I'm not yours. I don't want to do this. Stop." Words came so fast to me at this moment. Did I wanot to shoot him? Did I really want to end a life?

He dropped out of the car and grabbed me by the waist softly holding me as if I would break if he touched me to hard. "Don't make me do this." I whisper unable to speak as his soft hands rub my hips and dig into me, just the way Zane does to me when I am stressed.

"Please stop." I whisper one last time. A beg, a plea, the only thing I had left besides a bullet.

"You're mine." He leans in close putting his forehead on mine and softly he says it again, "your mine." Then he softly kisses me and I know that at that moment I wanted to be his, because I kissed him back. I didn't stop kissing him. He slid his fingers in my hair and moaned deepening the kiss begging for more. I put the gun to his head and slightly leaned away.

"No." I pulled the trigger without a second thought and a soft click along with his blood falling on my face and hands was my reality and I broke.

I broke down so hard.

Trixlyn ShaeWhere stories live. Discover now