Chapter 5

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A/n: Hello everybody! Today is December 17th, 2020. I'm getting my wisdom teeth removed in January and I had my consultation with my surgeon yesterday and I had a panic attack. That's not even the worst part. The worst part is that he's hot. He's so hot; I couldn't stop looking at his hands. He had veins running down his arm into his hand  and his nails were cut down. He's explaining what's going to happen during the surgery and during post-op and I'm sitting there thinking "you are quite beautiful"

Y/n observes herself in the mirror, running a hand over her accentuated curves in awe. "Cinna," she whispers, "it's so beautiful."

Cinna looks at her proudly, placing his hands gently on her hips and spinning her in a circle slowly. A sleek and tight-fitting black dress hands from her body, a halter-harness neckline at the top pulling the outfit together.

"So this is going to...catch fire?" Katniss asks from another pedastal.

"In a manner of speaking. You won't get burned, so don't worry. Just trust me," Cinna says with a grin.

Y/n nods and takes Katniss's hand. "I suppose we should go get made up."

Katniss nods and they both descend fromt heir pedastals, hugging Cinna tightly. "Thank you so much," she whispers.

Cinna nods and smiles brightly at them. "You two are going to do great things. I will see you later."

Y/n and Katniss exit the room and follow the stylists to another room filled with cosmetic products.


Y/n apprehensively climbs onto the chariot, tossing her elaborate braided hair over her shoulder so it hangs down her back. They weaved in pieces of gold string, so her hair glimmers under the low lighting. 

Katniss climbs in beside her and takes her hand. Y/n looks up at her and sqeezes her hand, her hooded smoked eyes filled with determination. Caesar Flickerman's voice blares out over intercoms, announcing the Districts. The crowd loudly cheers as District 1 pulls out.

Y/n stares straight ahead as District 11's chariot pulls out. With a jolt, the chariot pulls out of the storing facility and into the bright daylight. Harsh lights are trained onto them and the crowd looses their mind, cheering at the top of their lungs. Flowers are flung at the two, and they apprehensively wave and smile, although they are both mentally wretching.

Suddenly, the dresses go up in flames, and the cheers go back up to 10 again. Sparks buzz off the two and they lift their hands up above them, genuinely smiling widely. The chariot rounds the curve below President Snow, and with Y/n glares up at him with a hate so full of spite, his face contorts a little. With her free hand, she flips him off. He steps back a little, and she watches his mouth move, a little laugh escaping his mouth.


Y/n and Katniss are backstage, hanging behind the other fraternizing tributes. Cinna, Effie, and Haymitch all approach them. "That was amazing!" Cinna exclaims, picking Katniss up and twirling her around, then hugging Y/n tightly.

"We are all anybody is going to be talking about," Effie adds happily.

Y/n looks at Haymitch. "Are you sure you should be near an open flame?"

He squints his eyes at her and lets out a sarcastic laugh. "Fake flame. Are you sure you...?" He rails off when his eye is caught by a male tribute staring at the group. "Let's uh...let's go upstairs."


After the party, Y/n and Katniss are escorted to their own large penthouse. They unzip each other's dresses and shrug out of them, hanging them up to be taken away tomorrow. Opening the door to the bathroom, they find a double shower, one head for each of them. 

They strip off their undergarments and turn on the shower, washing the makeup and hairspray away from their bodies. They dry off and slip into pajamas provided by the Capital. Sliding under the sheets, Y/n pulls Katniss close, Katniss's head resting on Y/n's chest. 

Y/n strokes her hair and whispers soft reassurances into her ear, their legs intertwining. Katniss's breathing slows and evens out, and Y/n smiles to herself, knowing Katniss is at peace. She allows herself to drift to sleep as well, wrapped in the arms of her lover.

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