Eight of us

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Tay: Did we missed anything ?
Bright : So where are we going today ?
Krist: why are you all shocked ?
Off: pointing to new Why are you being like tomato 🍅 ?
Tay: 🤣😂
New: 😤😤 you stop laughing pokemon

Gun: guys guys let's not start  fighting here.
Off : I already share you all location be there after changing drees okay.

Win: it's bar are we really going their ?
New: Why it's normal isn't it ?
Win : No I just don't like the environment of night bar it's kind of dengerous.
Tay: come on we are also going don't worry.

They all are now inside club. Everyone was having fun suddenly.

Gun: I'm going to Washroom na.
Other's : okay

But off still followed him. It doesn't seem good idea to let him go alone. But gun don't know off was following him.

Ex: So, you are also here
Gun: 🙂 hi I didn't see you. How are you doing ?
Ex: let's forget about me. You say yours did you find anyone ?
Gun: 😅 I'm not interested
Ex: so you are single right it means I can still try.

He started touching gun and gun was really really uncomfortable. He stared forcing himself on him. Off was seeing everything he was trying to cool down himself because he thought gun would shout at him for picking fight. Now it was out of his  control. He force full through punch on that person's face and drag gun out from the club. Seeing them all 6 follow and come out from that place.

Off: What was that ?
Everyone was clue less so they just stayed quiet.
Gun: 😅 it's nothing serious
Off: What do you mean by that he was forcing himself on you ?
Gun: 😅😅
Bright: What ?

Flash back
Ex: you say you find anyone ?
Gun: what do you mean by that ?
Ex : Come on don't pretend I don't know you like giving yourself for money .
Gun: What  ?
Ex: 😏 I knew from the first so I left you.
Gun: for your information it was me who left you.
Ex: it's because you find another one isn't it.
Gun: shut up. I left you because you were forcing me which I don't like so.
Ex: we were in relationship it's my right isn't it ?
Gun: I really regret that I liked somebody like you. What a loser ?
You don't get me so you spred the news that I date you for money and I can do anything if I get money. You are such a loser and you know love is all about trust okay. I have already lost it on the 1st week on relation so I never let you be near to me. Who said that if you are in relation then you get right to do anything who gave you that 😤😤😠😠😡 who ?
Ex: O ho now you started talking back ha ? Who was the person who gave you wings ? Who and tell me how much your price is ??
Gun : 😅 I'm not interested
Ex: seriously you really dear to say no to me. Huh have you forgot nobody can say no to me. If it's about that pride that you have for not letting me touch you. Then let me break that also .

He started forcing himself so off ran and ouch him and drag him outside
Flash back end

Bright: 😡😠😤 how dare him ? Do that let me deal with him.
Win: caught bright from back
Off: You shorty fast speak up. Why were you in relationship with the jerk ?
Gun: it's
Off: 🤬😠 I said speak up. Come on say fast.
I said speak
Tay: Clam down man
New: hey! Give him sometime he is still shivering.
Krist cover him with his Jacket
Krist: where is p' sing
Win: p bright is also not here

Singto came by dragging that person's friend who was the reason for gun to be on that unwanted relationship.

Singto: first speak up or you want more 👊😡😠🤬
Fr: No no I'm saying saying
I'm sorry gun.
Gun: ...
Fr: I also don't want to force you to do the things I did. To be in relationship with him it's all because of him he wants to have you from the day he saw you. He has already ruined many girls life. It's was you who didn't loose for him. You are the first guy he want to make his. His wish of having you become some kind of addiction ( he wanted you no matter what). He tried his best but you didn't give damn so he use me to force you. I like him and he knew that so he get to close to me and then he recorded video. He gave me the warning that within 1 week if you don't agree to date him he will post it on Facebook.
So I blackmail you by showing the girl video and saying the same. But , he wasn't able to touch you also after you were together and on that night you delete the video of that girl and I was also able to delete my video from his phone. You broke up with him and I have also ran to this city but today he called me by saying sorry and he said he was regretting his past so I came to met him. But I swear I have not meet him because p drag me here. I'm really sorry.

When the boy was narrating them all about the truth. Bright drag that person who called himself gun's Ex outside and thrown him on Gun's feet.
He was full of blood and have so many uncountable wounds. Bright beat him till he was wet with blood.

Bright: How dare you to touch him ha ?
Gun: it's okay bright he will die .
Off: Are you seriously defending him ?
Gun: Really you think it's easy that just forget about the past or beat the person till he die. That's it and it ends do you know it's our second last year on university have you ever wonder why I suddenly change the city and university which I love so much it's because of them. You don't know off , bright how much I have suffered past two years. I had my own dreams and my own world but suddenly it all changed because of them. You want him to die that easily. It's only option you have.  If that was the option then I would have choice it long ago. You know he is the only child of his parents and his parents are rich because of their hard work and he thinks that because of their money he can do anything he was.
It's not the end of the story it's beginning after the news started spreading my father has heart attack and they are not my own family but they love me like their own. So I choose to go out of their life if he recovers and it happened and I'm here. So I understand the pain of losing someone from your family.
So let's him be and make him regret and let the karma teach him a lesson.

To be continue...

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