It's destiny

909 40 11

Everyone gives strange 👀look to off.
Krist cough to bring off to realization that this is not  Bl series.

Off:😅 I mean you two should not fight like this both apologize.
Taynew: What
Off: Can't you listen. You both should say sorry to each other. Right now
New: But,..
Krist: stop taking back and do what ever he said.
Singto: Yes
Singto:😅I mean I'm hungry and he has already apologized to me so.
Win: I'm sorry to interrupt but I'm also hungry. Let's end it already.
Taynew: if you all say so
Both: Sorry

They all move from that place.
Off: What was that before?
Krist: What ?
Off: Eyes 👀 fight 🤭🤭
Krist: what 😅😅 I don't know what are you talking about.

Taywin's side
Win: P'Tay why did you go there?
Tay: o to take this.
Win open the box and there was honey tost
Win: wow 😋 can I join ?
Tay:of course
There order also was their and they share and after 🥞 breakfast. They move to their classroom.

Bright Gun's side
Gun: Do you have anything to do today ?
Bright: Yes music rehearsal and after that football match.
Gun: Can I also join you ?
Bright: Of course sure. I'm going for the rehearsal for the program. See you after that.
Gun: I also have rehearsal I will massage after that to you okay.
Bright: okay .

Both move to their rehearsal hall. Bright in music. Gun inside dance.

In rehearsal hall
Gun: hi, win
Win: We Meet again. Are you also going to participate ?
Gun: Yes, How is your day going on ?
Win: it's overall nice.
Gun: O after rehearsal what are you doing ?
Win: I have football match.
Gun: Really bright also told me the same.
Win: Maybe we are playing against.
Gun: o really what is your club name.
Win: B... Do you also want to join ?
Gun: No I'm doubting that you have match against bright. Wait I will confirm.

        Yes, how is your rehearsal going       on?

It's nice. I want to ask you something.
                Sure, Do you want any help ?
Today, Your match is against which team.
                             It's against B.... Team. I don't know exactly. But, I have heard that why are you asking.

It's my friends club name. I guess you are playing against each other.
                      Okay, if you say so then I will go easy on him.

Why don't you add him on ig ?
                    Should I really have to do that?

Of course. You must
               I will add him later. Are you okay with that ?

No, add now.ig  @winmetawin

Gun: Win. Would you mind if I use your phone for sometime.
Win: Of course not why you need
Gun: Just see

He opens win ig and follows bright

Thank you

            For what ?
For following him
                    Say thank you to gun.
I'm gun using his I'd. 🤭🤭 Now you made another friend.
                        Okay I have to go now I have rehearsal. Bye take to you later. Both of you take care. See you on football match okay.

P'Gun has gone it's me win here. Thank you and you also take care. See you on Match.
                 Are you P'tay 's friend. How did you meet gun.

yes, I'm he is very friendly and I meet gun on canteen. I must say he is cute. How did know P'Tay ? Are you his friend ? Since when you know him ?
                  Actually he is my senior in music club. I meet him on the club it's already been more than a year I guess. Yes, he is friendly and kind. He helped me when I was just stranger.

Why suddenly  you asked me about him ?Are you two in Same hall ?

              Yes, we are he is participating in the program. When I asked about how was his first day ? He mention you.

Really, he is the first friend in this university which I met today. I think I have much more to know about him.
           Why ? You want to know more about him. 😏 Is their any spical reason ?

I mean..I want to know about him as a good friend. Nothing special 😅

                  Something.... something 🤭🤭

No.. nothing nothing 🤪
                   It's okay. You can share me when you are comfortable. But for today be ready for match.

Of course bye. 

Gun: It's your trun now.
Win: Trun for what ?
Gun: To dance.
Win: ooo ok
Gun: What were you thinking ? Is their something  I don't I ? That i should know
Win: No nothing 😅😅 believe me
Gun: okay okay no need to sweat 💦 and panick that much. Calm down
Win: I'm going now

Both become busy in practicing

Hey! guys How are you all doing ? Hope you enjoy reading this chapter. I'm waiting for your suggestions na. You can suggest me to improve in comment.

See you in next chapter. Till then take care. Stay safe

To be continue...

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