The months of hell and strife.

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Month 1
I began my training after lunch. Since there aren't no more classes after lunch. Which means finally I would get the rest of the day to train.

I started with 2 push ups 100 squats and sit ups, continued with 5 minutes of planks and running around and throughout the entire beacon academy. I would use my aura to heal my physical fatigue.

I tried to do a break of only a hour but I found out a week later the draw backs of using aura the hard way. What people don't realize about aura is that it puts a strain on your body, the pain and the strain increases as a person uses their aura more and more. The strain of my usage of my aura was increasing at the time. 

I was going out of my dorm one day to run my daily regiment but I had a sharp pain on the sides of my body,  I started coughing up blood, enough to cover only my entire hand. The I can feel the strain slowly and painful crawling up and down my body. My body begins to go limp and I fall to the ground, I was unavailable to do anything but thankfully my large amount of aura saved me!  If I didn't have this much, I would've died.

I decided to give my body more rest because of the strain. I miscounted not just the aura straining my body but also physical strains from my training. The strain decreased but it was still painful, the pain would be there for days.

Month 2
My body muscles are fully developed. I'm taller and huge. I'm able to do push ups without any issues like the past month. My stamina and my aura control is a lot better and when I use my aura, my body gets less strain.

I been hanging out with my friends as much as I can. Especially with Prryha, it was hard trying to reconnect with her but we managed. I sparred with Prryha every day, however her attacks are getting too slow, and almost like she's getting weaker. I know she is not holding back, I am outgrowing her. I had to hold back when sparring with her I don't want her to feel like she can't be with me, she won't be left behind.

I been in the combat classes to get combat experience but I realized something, I ran into a issue. The sparring and lecture classes about Grimm is great but a person in those classes can only learn how to fight only people or simple simulations of Grimm. Sure there are hunter missions that require you to fight other people but those kind of missions are rare. The simulations are pointless because a Grimm will use very random tactics from my experience of fighting Grimm recently.

At this point I'm just pretending to be weak, all of my classmates are too slow and not getting me the experience I really need. So I decided to walk out to the emerald forest to hunt Grimm. I first tried to find Grimm, scouting them out before I go fight them. After all, it's better to know your enemy rather then charging them head on right?

Month 3
I got my shield and sword with me, I began to walk through the emerald forest. I hunted Grimm, studied their behaviors. How they act, think, react. I had some theories, what kind of things I can use against the Grimm but most of those things fail.  I spent a part of each day to hunt Grimm.

I tried using a note book to write things down, what I learned about the Grimm. However I lost it during a fight because there were too many of them.

I learned a lot fighting Grimm, they adapt really much quicker then I thought. It feels like a literal hell  for me. I been training and killing Grimm non stop, I feel exhausted, devoid of feeling. The pain of wounds and the amount of conversation is making me stronger, I feel being reforged into being stronger.

During this month, I spotted some people like me during the combat classes were like me, I seen them sometimes in the other parts of the academy training alone, and I can tell they were always holding back and my suspicions were confirmed. One day, I was doing my business as usual after combat class in the locker room until two people approached me. It was a dwarf bald monk that was wearing black and white robe with a cane. The person with him was a another guy with 2 spears on his back and one in his left hand. He wore some kind of chain mail armor with white metal plates on it. He had a pony tail too.

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