I don't really like the word joytoy, it's demeaning, however Yoshi doesn't mind it. The first time he  arrived he mentioned how he chose this life because he didn't have any money, he lived in Watson near the slums and being a joytoy saved him from starving to death. He is a joytoy and he won't deny it. I take a deep sigh. Not all people are as lucky as I am.

Yoshi. His vibrant green hair and dark black eyes with his chrome around his eyes, shone in the moonlight.

"You should sleep, don't you have a conference tomorrow," I shake my head.

"Yes," My voice is soft, but I don't close my eyes. I just don't feel at peace. I'm not sure what it is, but I feel as though something big is about to happen.

Yoshi gives me a gentle kiss on my forehead as I cuddle into him. I doze of to sleep with Yoshi's humming in the background.


Arasaka Tower
City Center

"I'm actually happy that you're my driver, I don't know what I  would do if those stoic bodyguards had to drive me," Yoshi chuckles at my words. I pull a face at the thought. The Rayfield Caliburn, a beautiful car and yet I can't drive it. My mother didn't find it a necessity. My daughter will never have to work a day in her life. Her words not mine.

The car stops and I look out the window. The Arasaka Tower. I don't get why I need to be here, no one has even seen my face. Yes that's right. The press knows that Hanako Arasaka has a daughter but they havent seen my face. It's like Isaid, I'm not 'allowed' to go out because of the possibility of being identified as one of the far future heirs to the Arasaka industries.

This makes me wonder why I need to be at the conference and not someone else. Although I remember them saying that I need to be part of the business or I wont have my family to protect me of I'm unaware of the business in Arasaka. Not like I care either way. Nothing interesting ever happens in Night City anyway. What do I need protection from?

"See you later Yoshi," He nods. I take in a deep breath and exit the car.

The seven bodyguards escort me into the building, luckily I'm wearing my large black sunglasses which helps me hide my face from the large crowd and their uncomfortable excitement.

"Is that the daughter of Hanako Arasaka?!"

"No way!?"

"She looks sexy as hell."

I release a sigh once we enter the large building. I walk to the elevator, passing staff members who bow respectfully as walk by them.


Arasaka Tower
Conference room

"That's why we do an experiment. Connecting the psyhce of a person to a biochip," Yorinobu presents.

 Connecting the psyhce of a person to a biochip," Yorinobu presents

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