The longer she stayed, the more anxious he felt. "Uh...thanks. Yeah, I just moved in a few weeks ago. I haven't gotten around to that yet." He gave her a strained smile.

"Well, I'll be right back." She pointed behind her. "That way, you said?"

"Yes. That way."

She turned and walked toward the bathroom, smiling slyly when she was out of Serkan's sight.

Serkan exhaled loudly. He paced back and forth, willing Balca to come out so he could say goodbye to her and get rid of her.

There was another knock on the door and Serkan's head turned sharply toward to see who it was. It was Eda. She was carrying a bucket of popcorn in her arms. Serkan's shoulders drooped in defeat. She'd finally showed up and he couldn't even enjoy it because he was going to have to explain what the hell Balca was doing in his apartment. "Ah, Eda, your timing," he muttered to himself as he walked over to answer the door. "I've been waiting for you to surprise me for two days, and you come exactly when I don't want you to."

But when he saw her face through the door, the way she was smiling at him, the way she looked at him, full of vulnerability and hope, he forgot about Balca. He opened the door and grinned at her. "Eda Yıldız."

"Surprise!" she said, laughing nervously. Her voice lowered and she looked him directly in the eyes. "I thought it was time, Serkan Bolat." She smiled at him, the shy smile that was his smile. Serkan's heart beat a little faster in his chest; he'd missed that smile.

"It is time." He reached out and took her free hand in his, squeezing her fingers. "Come in. This is the best surprise." She smiled at him and walked through the door toward him. He closed the door and walked backwards into his living room, pulling her gently with him. They stopped and stood facing each other, and he leaned in and kissed her cheek...once, twice, three times. His lips were warm and soft, and she felt a tingle everywhere they touched her skin.

He ran the bridge of his nose up the side of her face, his lips skimming across her temple and down to her ear. "I'm so glad you're here, Eda." She visibly shivered in response to his husky voice in her ear. "I knew you would come." He pulled back a little and looked at her and she smiled at him again.

"Oh, did you?" She cocked her head to the side, her ponytail swinging with the movement of her head.

He raised his eyebrows in confirmation. "Mm hmm." He thought back to their time at the art studio earlier that day and he laced his fingers with hers, remembering their hands tangled together in the clay, his body pressed up against hers, his arms around her, his face in her neck, breathing her in. He'd wanted so badly to kiss her neck, her shoulder, but he refrained and the tension between the two of them was a livewire by the time they'd left the studio, crackling between them the whole ride back to the office in his car.

"Selam." Eda and Serkan jumped apart at the sound of Balca's voice and both of them looked at her. She had returned from the bathroom and walked in on Serkan holding Eda's hand and looking at her like he was in love with her and she gave Eda a dirty look. She mentally cursed Suzy--she hadn't said anything about competition. Serkan Bolat was supposed to be her destiny, and she would do whatever she had to do to get him.

"Balca? What are you doing here?" She looked back at Serkan, confused. She took a couple of steps away from him and took her hand from his and Serkan's heart sank.

"She was just dropping off some files for me to look at. See?" He held up the files he still held in his hand. "She came in to use the bathroom..." He looked over at Balca. "But she was just headed out to try that pizza place down the street. Right, Balca?"

Stars & SteelOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora