Ch. 11 "Passion"

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                                        Jordan POV

These past few weeks have been killer on me, I haven't been able to get a decent nights sleep, due to the nightmare that is set on repeat,

Me and Bucky I don't know things between us feel different, like closer than just friends,

Me and Tony have seemed to become pretty close friends which Tony doesn't understand since him and my brother seem to argue quite a lot,

Me and Nat have gotten pretty close as well, she's been showing me all the new things that the world has to offer since I've been frozen,

Wanda has been helping me fit in with the new clothes, saying that image is everything, which I still don't quite understand,

Thor has been showing me all the pop tarts the world has to offer, the big guy loves his pop tarts,

Clint has been training with me, which I don't mind at all,

Bruce has been monitoring my headaches, I haven't really told anyone except him about them, he said it could be just stress but he wants to keep me under supervision just in case,

Pietro has been teaching me Russian which is a really complicated language if you ask me,

Right now I suck out of the tower, I feel like I'm being suffocated, being watched all the time, and the constant question are you alright,

If I had a nickel for every time someone asked me that I would be just as rich as Tony now, I thought as I walked through the park,

It was beautiful around this time of day, the sun just setting paining the sky a pink orange color, I have my hands linked behind my back as I strolled through the park,

I felt a little bit at piece here,

"Jordan!" I hear

I spin around to see Bucky,

"Bucky?" I asked

"Thank god!" He said hugging me,

"Everyone at the tower is freaking out," He said

"Why I'm a big girl, I can walk to the park without getting mugged," I said chuckling

"This isn't funny Jordan, you just woke up, who knows what could happen," Bucky said glaring at me

"Yeah, well I'm sick of everyone treating me like I'm made of glass," I said crossing my arms

"Damn it Jordan for once will you just listen to me!" Bucky said

Now I'm starting to get irritated

"I always listen to you! you never listen to me I always have to do what you and Stevie say!" I said

"Because it's for your own good! God damn it Jordan! I thought you were dead! you have no idea what that feels like!" He said

"Why do you even care! I'm your best friends sister! we are friends! why are you acting like this!?" I yelled

"Because I love you!" He said

I stood there in shock,

"You.. love me?" I whispered

Next thing I know he puts his hand on the back of my head and kisses me, I was shocked at first but I kissed him back

The sparks in this kiss, the thing I've wanted most of all, my best friend Bucky, I've wanted this for so long, and it's finally happening

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The sparks in this kiss, the thing I've wanted most of all, my best friend Bucky, I've wanted this for so long, and it's finally happening

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