Ch. 3 "The chase"

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Steve POV

It has been weeks since Pepper told us about Jordan, so I've made it my mission to find her, but there is a slight problem,

She doesn't stay in one place for very long, she's also been rescuing people here and there,

I'm currently looking at all the cameras in the city trying to pin point where the hell she's at,

"Anything Cap?" Tony said walking in

"Sigh" I said leaning back in the chair

"That bad huh?" Tony said

"She wasn't kidding when she said not to look for her," I said pinching the bridge of my nose

"Come on you need a break, you've been at this non stop," Bucky said

"Let's get some coffee from that shop that is still in our old neighborhood" Bucky said

I nodded with that Me Bucky, Sam and Nat went to get some coffee,

We were all sitting at a booth laughing when we heard a scream, we all got to our feet rushing out the shop to see a woman on the floor a four men standing before her,

Just before we were about intervene someone in a red hoodie with the hood up jumped down form the fire escape,

"Why don't you four meatheads pick on someone your own size," That voice I thought

The one rushed at her went to punch her but she dodged it, she hit the man so hard in the chest with her palm that he got flung in our direction falling to our feet with a loud thud,

The second man charged at her with a knife he went to cut her, but she grabbed his wrist, squeezing his pressure point making him drop the knife, she then slammed his head against the brick wall,

The third man charged her grabbing her by the arm she knocked his hand so hard that he released her, she ran up the brick wall doing a backflip over the man, she knocked his knees from behind him putting his head in a head lock making the man fall unconscious,

The fourth man went to run but ran right into the brick wall making him fall unconscious I see the hood to her hoodie has fallen off,

She blew some of her blonde hair out of her face with her breath,

"Jordan.." I said

She looked at me in the eyes and I knew it was her, next thing I know is she took off running,

"Jordan! Wait!" I said

Me and Bucky took off after her,

Jordan POV

They seen me they both seen what I can do, I took off running,

"Jordan! Wait!" I heard Stevie yell

I was jumping roof to roof, not running out of air no matter how fast I ran, the feeling was incredible, when was I able to run non stop without running out of air, or getting tired I thought

I ran and ran, until I ran out of roof, I looked down, than looked back to see them gaining on me, I looked down again,

Its not that bad might break a few bones but I'll get away I thought I got a running start,

"Jordan don't you dar-" Bucky yelled

But I did, I jumped landing on the hard ground I landed on my feet, my fist landing on the ground making a big crater in the ground,

"Whoa.." I mumbled

Looking back at both of them on the roof looking at me in shock, I smirked back at the both of the starting to run only when I did a huge guy with a hammer dropped out of the sky, then a man in a red robot suit flew into the mix, then a man it a black cat suit, then a fast guy in blue and a woman with long red hair,

"Hold up a minute," I said holding up my hands in defense

"Got you now blondie" The man in the red robot suit said

"If this is about the cater I definitely didn't mean that one," I said

They all looked at each other,

"I mean you can take it out of my tab if you want," I said wiggling my eyebrows

"Oh I like her already," The robot said

"Not now Stark," A woman with short red hair said

Then I see Stevie and Buck walk down,

"I've got to admit it, you still know how to keep me running after you," Bucky said

I winked at him,

Stevie came walking towards me, with gentle eyes,

"Jordan," He said

"Stevie," I said walking towards him hugging him

As I hugged him I closed my eyes, I was so happy to finally to be able to hug my brother again, I thought

As I hugged him I closed my eyes, I was so happy to finally to be able to hug my brother again, I thought

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