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Tom was tracing back to Lilith and inches away from her.

"I don't want to see the life drain out of your pretty face yet." Tom continued.

Every word he said sounded like poisoned alcohol. Addictive but dangerous.

"What do you want from me? You told me to stay out of your way." Lilith said, not scared in the slightest.

"I did but it seems your hard to stay away from." Tom admitted.

"Why? Is it blood lust?" Lilith asked as Tom grew more annoyed.

"You ask many questions." Tom said, irritated at her.

"What did you do at the night of the party Tom?" Lilith asked.

"I don't know what you mean." Tom said, forgetful.

"The screaming. The disappearing. The riddles." Lilith said, her breath shaky.

"You must be hallucinating. Are you ill? Nothing ever happened. Even if it did, I have no ability to do so. I'm a student, not a criminal." Tom said, furrowing his eyebrows and reaching to feel her forehead.

Lilith slapped his hand away.

"You're making me seem like I'm guilty. I know what happened Riddle. I know what I heard and saw." Lilith said, pulling out her wand.

"You only see and hear what you want to." Tom said, putting her wand back into her robes and looking at her.

"But we had a speech from Dippet about it." Lilith said as the halls grew dead silent.

Tom smirked and looked up at the ceiling.

"I'm not mad, Tom. Not anymore." Lilith said as Tom looked back at her suspiciously.

"What do you mean mad?" Tom asked, looking down at her curiously.

"I'm like you Tom. Misunderstood. I have always been misunderstood my entire life because everyone doubted me and who I was." Lilith said. She wasn't exactly lying.

Tom clenched his jaw and looked at her.

"Why is that?" Tom asked her as the moon grew darker and darker. There was no light anymore.

"My name is powerful. My family has influence all over the wizarding world and that's all I've ever been seen as. No one understood my feelings and the fact that I was different. I wasn't my family." None of this was a lie.

"I don't believe you." Riddle said coldly with spite.

"You only believe what you want to believe and you don't believe in me." Lilith said, using his own words against him.

"You're right. I don't. But you can prove it. Then, you can earn my belief." Tom said before backing out of the bathroom and vanishing.

Lilith stood alone in the bathroom as the scent and coldness of him lingered.

How did Dumbledore expect her to get closer to him?

Lilith repeated his last words to her.

"But you can prove it."

He wanted her to repeat the darkest phase of her life.

Lilith was here for a reason. She had to complete the task.


Lilith had gotten back to her dorm after the encounter with Tom Riddle.

She sat in her empty dorm while her roommate, Catherine, had snuck out to "hook up" with Theo.

The words that Tom said we're imprinted on her mind.

Tom Riddle wanted her to relapse into her homicidal, sick self again and he didn't even know it.

The murdering, the torture, and the agony. All paired together.

Tom Riddle wasn't an easy task at all. He was intriguing, insane, and murderous.

It wasn't just a "seducing" and make him vulnerable. It was now the matter of life and death.

Lilith looked at the clock on the wall.

3 AM.

The devil's hour.

This is when Tom was at his peak of cunning madness.

Lilith got off her bed, grabbing her wand and her bare feet made small taps on the hardwood floor as she tip toed out of the dorm.

Merlin. Tom Riddle wanted her to murder someone. Or torture. Equally as horrific.

She just had to put someone out of their misery.

Out of this cruel world.

Lilith exited the Slytherin dormitories and walked through the halls in her bare feet and a satin robe.

The corridors were quiet. Lilith felt as if there was music playing when there wasn't.

She heard sniffling in a bathroom. The girls bathroom.

Lilith quickly went into the bathroom but remained quiet because she heard voices now.

"Please. Don't do this." A voice said, crying. It was a girl.

"I have no choice." A familiar voice said.

A deep tone that sounded poisonous.

Lilith knew that voice.

Tom Riddle.

Why was he everywhere?

"Not now. Not now." The girl started mumbling quietly through her tears.

Lilith could hear Tom sharply inhale.

"I don't really care. I'll put you out of your misery. Isn't that what you wanted?" Tom said, his voice was like when a human was talking to a baby or a dog. It was mockingly.

"Not anymore. Please." The girl begged.

Lilith was getting tired of the conversation and lurked out of the shadows so that Tom and the girl could both see her.

"Merlin. Do you really have three hour conversations with you victims?" Lilith scoffed and Tom raised his eyebrow.

"What are you doing here?" Tom asked her in an angry way. He had his wand raised at the girl that tied her in magic ropes.

"Fulfilling your wish. Now let her go." Lilith said which made Tom lower his wand curiously.

The girl wasn't much of a girl. It was a middle-aged woman who looked expensive. With a fur coat and multiple layers of diamond jewelry.

"Thank you child. Thank you, thank you." The woman said, practically kissing her feet.

"Get off of me." Lilith said, kicking the woman away.

"She's my dead fathers wife. A cruel woman. Treated me like a house elf. Now, you'll get what you deserve." Tom hissed at her which made the woman fearful.

"Shut up, Tom." Lilith said, straightforwardly.

"Obliviate." Lilith said, pointing her wand at the woman which made all of the memories flush out of her face.

Tom looked confused but couldn't say anything.

Lilith looked at the woman and felt like she could see the memories leave.

She could see the memories of her and Tom's muggle father, memories of visiting Tom in the orphanage without Tom's father knowing and leaving him stranded, memories of her murdering an innocent child.

"Avada Kedavra." Lilith said with a shaky voice which made a green light shoot out of her wand and instantly kill the woman.

She had done it.

Lilith already murdered someone.

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