Secret Revealed

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After some days:
I was just returning from the exhausting training. Dogan and Bamsi were right by my side. "Kardeş today was an exhausting day for real." Bamsi pushed me hardly and said, "That was it. You lost your energy so quickly. I thought you'll last longer." I started laughing and Doğan joined too. Well if you didn't figure it out yet let me tell you this, we're best friends now. Me, Bamsi, Doğan and Turgut and Ertugrul bey too. I don't know how or when but we bonded so quickly and our bond was so strong that no one could break it. Well sometimes i did felt different about Turgut but it was nothing big i knew it. It was just a giddy feeling nothing much. Sometimes I would blush at his remarks and Doğan would tease me about it for days.
"Alright you guys go on I'm going to go for a ride." I said to them. "You're saying you're exhausted and still you're going for a ride?" Doğan asked me facepalming. "Well what can i say I'm just like this." "Yeah I forget sometimes that you're weird." Just his words were enough that he was up for a tackle. I started chasing after him like a little kid, well, we kinda were kids because we both fought like kids, argued like them and almost everything. I was running after him when suddenly i saw Ertugrul bey approaching me. I skidded to a halt and smiled sheepishly at him. He just shook his head and said, "Sometimes its hard to believe that you're my Alp." He was smiling when he said that which meant he was just playing with us. "Sorry beyim it's all his fault-" i was pointing my finger at doğan when i swatted it away and said, "Mine!? This is all your fault! You were the one who chased after me." "Oh yeah well you're the one who called me weird." "Ok both of you stop it now." Ertugrul bey laughed at both of us. "You're lucky that Abi saved you from me or I would've killed you." I smirked at him and we started laughing again. "Well kardeşim I'll be back In awhile. I waved bye to all of them and went to untie my horse. Burak was in a good mood since day 1 which meant he didn't mind the new environment.
I galloped at full speed to the forest and was enjoying the time when suddenly Burak stopped. "What's wrong?" He neighed to his left. 'He wants to show me something' "Ok you're in charge." Burak started running towards the direction he neighed about and when he stopped what i saw just made my mouth go wide open. It was such a beautiful place that I can't put it into words.

To anyone who saw this place, it may look something common, but to me it was the most relaxing scenery ever

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To anyone who saw this place, it may look something common, but to me it was the most relaxing scenery ever. I decided to sit beside the lake and tied Burak to a nearby tree. I closed my eyes and started thinking of the past events. The palace, the Sultan, the tribe, the traitor and suddenly an image popped up in my mind. Turgut was in front of my vision. He was smiling, just his smile was enough to make my heart beat rapidly. 'What has happened to you Alp, what is this guy doing to your mind???' I was talking to myself and mentally scolding myself. It's been like this from a lot of days. I would drove off in my thoughts and would end up thinking about him.
Suddenly i heard twigs break. I moved my head and took out my sword ready to fight. And what i saw surprised me.  They were Saljouk army soldiers. I lowered my sword and asked, "What do you want who are you?" They didn't answer they just stood there, and then they took out their swords and leaped at me. I was quick to dodge and joined the battle with equal force. I took out my dagger too and started fighting them with full force. Soon i had injured almost 4 of them and i was badly injured too. My ears were bleeding because of having a slap on the ear, i had a big gash on my shoulder and some cuts and bruises. "Surrender you traitor either way you'll be dead!" The last guard that was fighting with me screamed, although he was injured too but he just had some cuts. I was starting to lose consciousness with every move i made. And then I fell, the last straw of energy died in me. I started to recite the Shahdah and closed my eyes. Ready to meet martyrdom....
When I suddenly heard footsteps running in my direction. I couldn't see them clearly but i made out there figures as four men and that was the last thin i saw before I crept into a deep sleep.
I opened my eyes slowly and was blinded by a dim light. I took sometime to adjust to my surroundings and realized that i was in my tent. I looked around but nobody was there so i tried getting up. I was almost out of bed when someone came in the tent. It was Artuk Bey and the others. Artuk bey was like a father to me. Ever since day one he and i had a bond that brought us close and the affection he showed to me was one like a father showed to his child. So, because of this i was like his daughter and he, well, i was getting used to calling him Baba(Dad). "Baba..." I called out to him weakly and he rushed to me before I collapsed. "Don't get up you need to rest lie down now." He ordered me in his fatherly manner and pushed me down. I lied down a little and when i looked at the others they were looking at me suspiciously. "Ummm is everything ok? Why are you looking at me like you saw a killer?" They all exchanged a glance and then Ertugrul bey asked, "Who are you?" I was confused to why he asked this but then it hit me. 'Did he told them?' I thought to myself. "I'm Dua, your Alp, Abi." "I'm asking the truth." "The guard who was just injured told us everything before dying." The words were from Turgut and his words felt like someone poured a bucket of cold water on me. I looked in his black eyes but all I saw in them was just coldness and anger. The once eyes that held some kind of affection for me were now cold. Bamsi, Doğan and Ertugrul bey, they were all looking at me waiting for an answer. "What did he told you?" "Everything. That you were kicked out of the palace. You were the commander of the Saljouk Army and you were close to getting be headed when Sheikh Arabi saved you. And the reason you were sentenced death was that you were the traitor of the palace." I sprung up from the bed not caring about my injury and said, "I'm not a traitor i was the one finding about the traitor but they found out about me and my hunch and put me in that situation. My Allah knows that I'm innocent." "Who found out about you and your hunch?" Turgut asked me eyeing my every action. His axe was on his shoulder as usual and he looked like he was very angry. "Emir Sadettin Köpek. I'm not sure if he's the one but the voices about the mutiny against the Sultan." The all looked at me both confused and surprised. "It all started that unfortunate day..."
I finished my story and said, "So you see I'm not the traitor i was just trying my best to find the real one but when they kicked me out i decided to let it stay in my past and move on in life." Everyone was by now looking at me sympathetically. "You should've told the truth, at least to us. We're your best friends." Doğan said and smiled at me. "I'm sorry i was just scared of everything and especially what if you all kicked me out too. But now i know you're all with me." They all smiled at me and nodded their heads in acknowledgement. They started to leave but Turgut stayed behind. He looked at me one last time and said, "You'll always have us Dua. We'll always be with you mo matter what. I'll always be there for you and I'll make sure to protect you like i did today." Images of him picking me up when i was unconscious came in my mind and it occurred to me then that Turgut was the one who brought me here. I remembered from my unconscious mind that he was looking at me worriedly and was saying something like 'please not you too' that's all. I suddenly blushed bright red and saw him smiling at me and then he left. I don't know why but i had this giddy feeling inside me and it wasn't going away now neither were my red bright cheeks. I buried my head in my pillow and screamed in it not knowing what to do and just by thinking about him fell asleep .
Turgut's POV:
I stepped out of her tent and was smiling contently to myself. I was glad that she was okay and that we reached on time. If Bamsi hadn't decided to go after her to give her company we would've lost her. I would've lost her. I don't know what's happening to me but when she's around I'm complete and comfortable, i have this feeling of contentment inside me. It's similar to the love i feel for Aykiz but I'm telling myself my heart that it's not that. I can never love anyone after Aykiz. She was my one and only. Or maybe i can. Maybe i will. I pushed Dua out of my mind and went towards Ertugrul bey to discuss our next plan of how we could help Dua to find the traitor of the palace. But nevertheless she was still on my mind.
'Ahhhh Dua Alp what have you done to me?!'
Author's note:

 'Ahhhh Dua Alp what have you done to me?!'Author's note:

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Imagine him as Burak

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Imagine him as Burak. Dua's Horse.
Sorry for the soooooooo much late update. Like i said i was having my mids but now I'm a bit free but like promised i will update 2 chapters together. When of my new book fan was commenting continuously to update so this is especially on their request. Hope you'll all love it and if u do please comment.

It All Started With A Hunch(A Turgut Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now