Part Twenty

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- One week later -

Corpse and i have been taking more recently, getting to know each other and opening up about a lot of stuff. Currently im in san Diego for some meeting about a brand sponsorship. "Luna? He's ready for you," I nodded grabbing my things and heading to the meeting room.

Meanwhile, Corpse's POV

"My fucking eyepatch is fucking with my eyeliner dude, it fucken hurts," I said adjusting the uncomfortable thing "Wait, why did you put the eyeliner under the eyepatch?" I shrugged "I put it on and then i had to get on to play and then i had to put it on and the eyepatch," I say continuing to play "Remove the makeup!" Poki says "I actually ran out of my makeup wipes, sadly" "Okay okay okay, use lotion that works!" I shook my head "No don't do that, message ghost it was on her story that she's in Diego for meetings. she could bring you some," Sykkuno says and i smiled "That's why i love you kuno,"



can you, maybe get me like makeup wipes maybe

i'll see you in like 30 minutes okay?
I just finished my meeting so but the time i get to the store and then to yours i'll be 30 mins ❤️

okay thansk
my eyepatch is fuckin with the eyliner

okay i'll be there soon


i ******* promise

what's the censored bit?

my real name dear sir

I put my phone down and returned my focus "Ghost coming in clutch with the makeup wipes in 30 minutes," Poki and sykkuno laughed "Deadass?" I stifled a laugh "Deadass."

GhostBabys POV

"Makeup wipes and a treat, or cake or something," i muttered to myself as i walked through target. "I don't know what types to get," I mumbled pulling out my phone and calling corpse.

Corpse : italic
Ghost : bold

Hi corpse
oh hey ghost, what's up?
what brand do you want? like ones for sensitive skin or that?
it's a white packet with blue or purple maybe writing
there's blue and purple so i'll get both snd i'll take the ones that's wrong
okay see you soon
bye cor- wait was that kuno? Are you live?!
haha just kidding you got pranked i didn't hang up! okay bye i need to go!
bye bye

I hung up and threw the things in the cart before heading to pay for them. "This all?" I nod at the woman before presenting my card and paying "thanks," I mutter grabbing my bag and leaving to order an uber. "Hi can you just take me to (address)" I say sitting down and putting my seatbelt on "Yes i can," the driver pulls out of the parking lot and heads towards my destination.

GhostBaby | C. Husband x OCWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt