Part Fourteen

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I grabbed my love sack from the corner of my recording room and dragged it over to beside my desk and chair. "Hey, Corpse do you want anything?" I look to see him on the bed, he shakes his head and follows me into the room. I open discord and see everyone in the vc. "Hello ghost! Welcome back!" I hear lily Saying "Hi lils, are you in a game?" I hear a collection of no's "Okay i just need to start my stream," I look down at corpse worryingly only to see him curled up and looking pale. I mute myself before opening OBS "You know what i realised? We know what each other look like but we don't know each other's names," He smirked a little and sat up to lay his head on my leg.

"Hey everyone! Im back now, we are playing some among us and i might stream minecraft or the sims later," I read through chat "Who was i talking to earlier? A friend. Is corpse coming on? I don't think so. How are you? im okay thanks." "Code is in general!" Poki said just as I unmuted. "Here we go," I mumbled putting the code in. 'IMPOSTER' I look to see who I'm with and it's Seán. "Ugh hes shite," I run to electrical because it's best to fake multiple part tasks "Im going to fake wires and also the thingy where you direct power n that" I look down to see corpse picking at his hands, i tap his shoulder and mouth 'anxious?'  He nods and I pass him a squishy toy thingy.


"I'm quite sus, of seán and felix because there's no kills so fa- oh shit Rae is dead," I poked out my lower lip and unmuted "Rae i love you, im sorry that seán killed you," I hear seán start yelling "Sit down irish boy, you're very defensive right now. you sound like you're holding your breath in, Liar!" I laugh before shifting in my seat "SPEEDRUN SPEEDRUN SPEEDRUN SPEEDRUN SPEEDRUN SPEEDRUN" I start chanting along with felix before we vote seán out.

"Let's fucking go lads!" I laugh after muting myself before realising that i have to kill all on my own "I'm going to follow Imane, as an alibi," I followed her, turned off lights and killed her before running from o2 to electrical. Everyone was trying to fix the lights so i went on and flicked them off and they went on so they couldn't fix them. "stack kill time!" I pressed the kill button and then back to fix lights.


"Oh my god," I muttered before unmuting "So Charlie is dead and Poki?! This killer is quick" I smiled to myself "I'm sad that 2 of 3 baes are dead," I put my hand down to run through corpses hair "Ivy has just jumped up on my lap and wants attention so now i'm one handed," Everyone laughed even corpse "vote dave, because i'm bored as shit," Felix says and everyone votes as dave yells about how it's not him.


"you did amazing considering Seán was kicked off immediately," Poki said as i took a sip of water. "You fucking betrayed me!" I started choking on water "Breath baby im not flying back to SF!" Poki said making me laugh harder. I've surprisingly had a very nice day.

yeah that was bad
im sorry

GhostBaby | C. Husband x OCUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum