Nothing Good Ever Lasts

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I was requested to to a BakugoxReader by @JDtheDuckling . So thanks to them I'm writing this oneshot. 

Warning:!!!!Blood, and Death


I can still remember that day like the back of my hand. A building had collapsed, and then villains took advantage of the chaos. I ran through the thick mud, rain pouring on my face. My costume sticking sticking to my skin. 

It was freezing cold, and adrenaline was shooting through my veins. I panted, as my limbs grew tired. But I continued to run. I ran towards the nearby screams. I grabbed the windowsill to the second floor, I hauled myself up and stepped through the broken window. There was a middle aged man with blonde hair. He was shivering in the corner of the room.

There was a bookshelf blocking him from moving. I grabbed it, and threw the bookshelf behind me. I offered him shoulder, and slowly walked him over to the recovery station. "Thank you," he said as I carefully placed him on the seat of an ambulance. "No problem." I said as I wiped the hair sticking to my forehead. 

I turned away and forced my body to continue moving. The small chip in my ear let out a bit of static. I tapped it a few times, until I could finally hear what the others were saying on the line. "Our squad has got the villains under control, y/n can you go see if there are any civilians left in the wreckage." I heard Kirishima's voice ask. "Sure." I said, as a changed direction, and started running toward the wreckage. 

The rain still hadn't lighted up, in fact I could've sworn it got worse. I heard water pounding all around me. My hair and costume were sticking to my skin tightly, restricting the movements. This definitely wasn't good. A civilian could be calling to me, and I wouldn't even know. I stopped, and peered around the area I was in. 

I pushed the hair out of my face, and sheltered my eyes from the rain. This area was pretty open, with shattered glass spread all across the ground. I couldn't hear anything besides the pounding of rain drops. I rain further into the wreckage, closer to the collapse of the building. I entered what used to be a tall tower. The windows were all broken. From what I could see this used to be a meeting room. There were chairs all scattered across the floor, and a huge table in the middle split into two. 

I continued walking through the building. I peered around at the hallway I was walking through, broken plant vases, and flickering hanging light. Cheap office candy, and pens spilled across the floor. It felt ominous as I walked through looking for any sign of human light.

"Reinforcements. We need Reinforcements!" I heard Kaminari shout through the line in panic. "Hello, Kamanari?" I asked. No response. I turned the other way, and ran back down the hallway. Through the meeting room, and out into the rain again. I ran around the back of building to where the squad was supposed to be fighting the villains. I saw Kamanari passed out on the ground, he had blood pouring out of his head, and spreading into a puddle around him. 

I looked up in horror. Kirishima was fighting hard to hold his ground. Except he wasn't fighting a villain.

He was fighting Bakugo.   

Kirishima shoved him onto the ground, only for Bakugou to kick him off, and rise to his feet. I was frozen in place. Kirishima was fighting Bakugou. I saw Kirishima motion for the other villain to attack Bakugou. He was working with the villains, he betrayed us.

I felt my stomach twist, he lured me away. He knew there were no survivors left in the building. He just wanted to lead me away from the fight. I felt my hands clench, and my teeth grind. I was furious. All I felt was blinding rage.

That rage led to the biggest mistake of my life.

I raised my hand up to the sky, and took a deep breath. I needed to use the little light from the sun that was peaking through the clouds. I felt the warm light touch my fingertips, in a familiar way.

I shot the blinding piercing light towards the direction of the bastard redhead. I watched with a smirk on my face, as I saw his silhouette crash towards the ground. I felt a wave of relief crash over my exhausted body.

But that's when I let my eyes travel just a few feet away. A muscular figure passed out, bleeding on the ground with sevres burn scars. His face was covered by a black and orange mask. It was the bleeding body of Katsuki Bakugou.


I woke up, and hauled my tired limbs out of bed. I tiredly stumbled into the kitchen. I heard eggs sizzling on the stove, and smelled pancake batter in the air. I put my head on his shoulder, as a tiredly mumbled a good morning. 

"Morning, babe how'd you sleep?"

Flashback Ends

At that moment the world seem to slow, I felt raindrops roll on my face. And in a daze a walked towards the bleeding body. I carefully put my fingers against his neck. Nothing. 

"Hey, I brought reinfor-" Uraraka stopped shouting. I saw her face as she looked over the scene in horror.

"What did you do."

Flash Forward

I placed an orange rose down on the newly dug up dirt. I sighed, as a read the engravings on the headstone again. "In long remembrance of Katsuki Bakugou a beloved husband, son, and hero.

It's been two months since the incident. I killed my own husband, with my own two hands. No one believed me at first, when I said Kirishima betrayed us. But once Tsukachi was able to defend that I was telling the truth. Everyone no longer looked at my like a killer.

But they still stayed away, I caught their faces of pity. The only thing they could offer was apologizes for something they never did. It was me. I was blinded by anger, and careless. I felt my hands turned to fists.

I killed Katsuki Bakugou with my own two hands.

Author Chan

I don't know if I like this one shot too much. It's always hard writing character x reader, just because I don't really imagine myself with anime characters. So it always feels awkward writing it. Also by the end of Winter Break, I'll have published the first ten chapters of a new book. So be on the lookout for that.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2020 ⏰

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