The Truth of the Matter (extended ending)

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goddammit I said I was gonna focus on my Fullmetal fic but here we are. Anyways. I do have an actual story planned, sorta like an AU from this where Gudako returns closer to the beginning of the series. I might post the outline I have for her abilities later? Basically, I've equated her Servant Summoning to just a massive amount of Shikigami Summoning and will certainly change things in the new story, but like. This was just to get my thoughts out there, hahaha.

Oh well, enjoy the extra chapter. Who knows what'll happen next.


Gudako walked back into the Hospital Room nearly two weeks after the Shibuya incident, and she walked back to a question from Kento. A simple one, really.

"What did you end up doing with Gojo?"

Gudako glanced over as she closed the door. Kento was, at the moment, sitting up against the raised back of his hospital bed. He was still heavily bandaged, despite the burn scars receding a little bit every day. The Golden Fleece was still across his lap and Medea was knitting quietly in the corner.

Gudako thought that he was looking better, though Medea had warned them both that she doubted that the full extent of his injures would vanish entirely. He'd be scarred and still be missing an eye when all was said and done.

( Apparently, Cursed Energy and Healing Arts didn't mix well. And whatever Kento had been blasted with certainly was halting the Golden Fleece's work. Gudako had no idea how it would react to Avalon, and she didn't want to tempt fate already more than she was. )

Gudako flipped the golden Saber Card through her fingers before she put it, and the golden Rider Card and Bronze Assassin card away.

"I foisted him off onto Iskandar, Kojiro, and Musashi," she said after a second as she moved to sit back down. Kento raised a brow, closing his book.


She was caught a bit off guard at both the demanding and the curious tone before she remembered.

She hadn't bothered to explain anything about her technique to him. Or at least, what it was like now.

She shrugged but nodded a bit.

"Saber, Rider, and Assassin, Musashi's always itching for a fight, and Iskandar likes the thrill of battle, so if the two of them and Kojiro decide to fight Gojo, all the better for me," she started. "Iskandar can create his own Domain, giving them a place to fight without damaging everything. Musashi has a special ability that allows her to reach absolute Zero. The opposite of Gojo's Infinity. Kojiro is the opposite of Musashi— reaching Infinity. Personally, I'd like to see the result, but I also would rather not do much physically for the moment."

Kento just nodded a bit. "And you think that the three of them will have fun?"

"Something like that. Mainly, I just think that it'll just get him off our backs for a bit. And let those Kids heal in their rooms. God knows that Gojo might be hindering their healing in his weird way of trying to help."

Kento hummed slightly in agreement and she leaned back in her chair, rolling her shoulder out.

Gudako had gone full throttle for the fight against that stitched guy, and then even more power was used when she fought with that Itadori kid and Gojo against the Spirit masquerading as Geto.

( She had remembered the black-haired man vaguely, just seen him when she went to drop something off to Kento. She had been too young to really know him, but she ended up remembering either way. )

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