Chapter 13 - Cafeteria Drama

Start from the beginning

"Come on, Bakubro! That's unmanly!" The shark boy complained as he gave the blonde a look of disappointment. The spiky-haired boy only scoffed as he got the straw in his mouth and sipped the remaining droplets of his drink.

Kirishima turned to face Kyouka as he welcomed her.

"Hey! Sorry about Katsuki. He can be a total jerk sometimes, but he's a nice guy!" Kirishima exclaimed. Kyouka nodded. The black-haired guy next to Kirishima chuckled, almost as if he were holding in his laughter.

"Nice? I don't know about that one buddy." He nicked as he finally burst out laughing. Katsuki completely lost it as he went completely out of control. He slightly stood up as he raised a fist, glaring at the black-haired guy.

"What did'a say soy sauce face?! I'll kick your ass if you don't shut the hell up!" Katsuki threatened. Kirishima nervously smiled.

"Now, now, let's calm down. Sero, quit provoking Bakubro with that laugh, you know it makes him mad." Kirishima spoke. He looked back at Kyouka. Kirishima pointed to the empty seat next to Katsuki. "You can sit there if you want. We're free for more people.".

Kyouka smiled and nodded, going over there as she dumped her tray on the table. She pulled out the chair from under the table and sat on it, leaning onto the back part as she picked up her chopsticks and ate her rice.

"Thanks." Kyouka muttered as she stuffed her face with food. Kirishima nodded.

"No problem." Kirishima answered. Sero looked at Kyouka before his eyes widened.

"Hold up! Hold up!" Sero exclaimed, patting Kirishima on the shoulder. "She's that kid that Mr Aizawa kept having mental breakdowns over cause' she wouldn't attend class!". Kyouka raised her eyebrows in slight disinterest.

Kirishima noticed. Kyouka was that girl that entered the class while Mr Aizawa was losing his shit.

"Oh my god, you're right!" Kirishima exclaimed. Katsuki just groaned in the background, angry like always. "Why'd you show up specifically today?".

Kyouka shrugged. She ate some of her rice as she looked at the two.

"Well, I guess I kinda found someone I wanted to get closer to." Kyouka explained. "Not sure though.". Sero gasped. Kyouka put down her chopsticks as she picked up her water and started to take a sip.

"Oo! Is it a guy? Or something like that." Sero asked. As soon as those words came out of his mouth, Kyouka spit out her drink. She coughed on herself as she shook her head.

"No, no way. I'd never come back for such a lame reason!" Kyouka protested. Kirishima chuckled.

"So a girl maybe?" Kirishima suggested. Kyouka paused. She thought about it for a little. After all, she did come back because of Momo. Kyouka knew very well that she was Lesbian, but she was definitely not crushing on Momo. At least that's what she tried to tell herself.

"Yeah, a girl." Kyouka spoke smoothly. Sero chuckled.

"Well, that was close enough..." The black-haired boy spoke, though his tone sounded like he had just been defeated and he was convincing himself that his defeat wasn't as bad as it actually was.

"Who is it?" Kirishima asked. Kyouka turned her head around as she eyed Momo, who was sitting not too far from them.

"Her." Kyouka said, turning back around as she put her glass of water down.

"Yaomomo?" Sero asked. Kyouka nodded. Kirishima gasped.

"Yeah." Kyouka answered. There was a small silence. Kirishima gave a thumbs up.

"That's pretty cool." The red-haired boy commented. Kyouka hummed in agreement.

The three had a small conversation for a while. Kyouka was pretty happy to make a couple of new friends. Though, their conversation was quickly interrupted when commotion started around near Yaoyorozu's table.

Kyouka turned around to see what was going on and Sero and Kirishima were focused on the scene as well.

It was Neito Monoma from class 3B. He seemed to, like always, be picking fights with the 3A students. Apparently, Monoma had just hit Midoriya on the head with his elbow and was blaming the greenette for it, and the students were arguing about it.

Kyouka didn't really care, but the arguing kind of got on her nerve. Before she knew it, she stood up out of frustration and walked over to the commotion.

"You should apologise. It is quite insensitive of you to have done such an unnecessary thing! As UA students, we must—" Iida was explaining, but Monoma cut him off.

"Listen, robot, it ain't my fault Midoriya from class 3A here can't pay attention." Monoma snapped back as he watched the greenette glance downwards in slight embarrassment and shame. "Maybe you should give him a pair of your glasses, four eyes—".

Before Monoma could finish, we was being lifted off of the ground. Kyouka had grabbed on to his shirt collar and pulled him up, glaring right into his grey-blue eyes. The look on her face was deadly, and it definitely caught a lot of students off guard.

"Quit running your mouth you salty bitch." Kyouka spoke as Monoma was having trouble speaking. People seemed to be crowding around them, and there were constant yells of students, though Kyouka just faded the voices out. Monoma coughed.

"S-shut your mouth, 3A trash." Monoma snapped back. Kyouka growled as she tightened her grip oh his collar.

"Wanna say that again?" Kyouka threatened. Monoma seemed to not be stepping down.

"You heard me, shut your damn mouth—". Before Monoma could finish his sentence, the purple-haired girl threw him onto the floor violently. The boy shrieked as his eyes widened a little. His creepy sadistic smile turned into one that seemed horrified.

People were yelling, but Kyouka heard no voice other than Monoma's and her own. Monoma, who was still on the ground, manage to find his smile back. He looked right into the girl's eyes as he creepily spoke.

"My bad, didn't know you wanted attention that bad." Monoma spoke, his voice filled with pride as he said those words.

Kyouka's eyes widened in fear. She suddenly glanced around as the voices of the crowd around them got louder and louder, yet they were all still muffled to her. People. People were watching. It was honestly anything she could ever ask for, but this time, the attention felt different.

This time, it was nerve-racking, it was stressful, it was painful. Perhaps it was because Monoma had called her out on her attention craving habit. As Kyouka glanced back at Monoma, who seemed to be slowly getting up, smiling creepily at her, the girl fell to her knees. Hands covered her ears slowly as silent tears burst through her eyes.

The muffled voices around her soon shut down, as well as her vision and all other senses. The girl had passed out.

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