The Gang (2)

54 3 11

POV on Pinpoint

I heard gunshots coming from the trail and glanced back, away from the little, red, play structure in front of me. Taco and Turtle were being overwhelmed by wolves, coming from the woods on our right.

Marsh ran towards them, already firing her silenced pistol, wolves collapsing to the floor with blood gathering around them. I pulled out my pistol, glancing at AMX's worried eyes before turning around.

I started to ru- AMX grabbed my arm and pulled me back. I could see tears welling in her eyes as she looked at Turtle, while clutching my arm. I could feel her grip getting tighter as she became more and more distressed.

She looked at me, her eyes puffy, and told me, "Turtle is about to fall into the lake." I looked at her confused and then back at Turtle, and saw that AMX was right. But no one else realized this. I leaped from my spot and took off towards them, yelling Turtle's name.

There was a white wolf running towards her, about to pounce. However, Turtle wasn't doing anything to stop it, I could see the gun in her pocket hanging out and I knew she had plenty of time to move, but she wouldn't do anything.

She sat there staring at it, and right before she got struck, she yelled, "26".

I screamed Turtle at the top of my lungs and shot at the wolf, but it was too late.

They had both disappeared over the edge.

Suddenly, a great pain passed over me, I could feel it everywhere in my body, making me numb. My head felt like I had just bashed it into a wall 50 times and I staggered my way to a bench. The pain kept getting stronger as it spread to more parts of my body.

Straining, I lifted my head enough to see everyone else also on the ground, some throwing up.  I could see sadness in AMX's eyes as she clutched her stomach and groaned. I could feel myself screaming and tried to control it, but I just couldn't.

My mind was going berserk and breaking everything. Then, I saw Nova.

I had no clue what the trigger for it could have been but I really didn't care.

There were about 3 waves of pain before it subdued and we all managed to re-gain our wits.

I sighed in relief and collapsed on the bench. Taco was the first up and checked on all of us, making sure we weren't injured or anything. The moment I was up, I rushed to AMX and sat next to her, hugging her.

I could tell she was more drained then the rest of us but I wasn't sure why, because we had all regained our strength around the same time.

I let her rest her head against my shoulder and lean on me. I wrapped her in a hug and waited.

Taco and Tano walked over to us, after checking the spot where Turtle had fallen, and sat down, glancing over to us, not sure what to say. We just stayed huddled letting our thoughts race to try and find the answer to this, but to no avail, we were clueless.

Finally, I noticed something that might have explained why AMX was so drained of energy, but it was a long shot. "What if AMX can see in the future?"

My voice broke the silence and both of them glanced at me, curiously. "She told me that Turtle was gonna get pushed in about 5 seconds before the wolf even appeared."

Their eyes went wide as they stared at AMX sleeping on my shoulder. "I feel like that could be a surefire reason as to why she is so tired right now."

Taco nodded, "I suppose... but at the same time, it doesn't make much sense".

"Well of course, seeing into the future is a superpower, but I really can't put my finger on how she could have noticed it earlier."

"What if she saw-"

AMX woke up and yawned, rubbing her eyes. When she realized she was hugging me, she blushed, standing up and turned away. I blushed too, without knowing, and could see Tano smirk at us.

I glared at him and signaled to back off but I could see his smile from the corner of my eye.

I turned to my left and asked her, "How did you know that she was gonna fall? We hadn't even seen the wolf and we assumed she would have moved, but you knew she was gonna fall."

We all leaned in closer out of curiosity, hoping for a detailed explanation.

"I honestly, really don't know." She almost seemed disappointed in herself as Taco and Tano shook their heads and sighed.

I put a hand on her shoulder and looked right into her blue eyes. I could feel a chill crawling up my spine as I stopped myself from revealing anything.

She probably felt the same because she turned around, blushing redder than a tomato. I could hear Tano snickering and I slugged him in the arm.

Taco asked, "AMX, how did it happen?"

She shook her head, "I was sitting here and glanced towards Turtle. She was sitting behind the bench, crouched down, from the wolves." She looked at where Turtle had fallen. "I saw an outline of her pop up from behind her and from everyone else too."

Tano's eyes widened as he leaned in a bit more. "It was a white outline that started stumbling back, and I could see the outline of the wolf as well."

She took a breath and continued, "I could see Pinpoint's outline running towards Turtle when he was actually right next to me. I saw him near Turtle but it was too late."

She looked at me and let her gaze deepen into mine. "Turtle got hit by the wolf and..."

She trailed off, her eyes saddening.

"But why did you stop me by grabbing my arm? I could have maybe made it in time."

"This was the first time I have ever seen anything like this, and I was completely unaware of what was happening outside of the outlines."

I nodded and stood up, putting on my jacket. Taco stood up and looked into the trees, trying to spot anything suspicious but ended up empty handed.

Suddenly, my head started pounding again, this time a bit less than last time but still very powerful. I could feel everything in my body go numb as I collapsed to the floor, clutching my stomach.

It felt as if someone had turned up the music to max at a drum solo, but way more painful. I could hear Taco and AMX groaning from behind me and Tano was throwing up again. Marsh and Cosmic were in front of me, checking out the part of the lake where Turtle had fallen, when they also fell to the floor.

I strained my way to the bench again and watched as my friends all struggled, when a picture of Nova flashed in my head again.

This one lingered for about 3 seconds but it showed Nova as.... darkness?

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