The Gang (1)

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POV on Turtlewhalefish

"Turtleeee" Two voices called out on unison.

I opened my eyelids and felt the sun glaring down on me, telling me to wake up as well. I groaned and yelled, "COMING".

Standing up, I walked over to the window and looked at the snow covering the neighbor hood like a blanket.

After 9 months of the grueling heat, drilling me every time I stepped outside, I was finally ready for winter. It was my favorite season and every time it came around, I was at my prime.

It had snowed last night and we had gathered in my room- Sorry, I haven't introduced myself.

My name is Turtle and, "we" is me and my friends. Marsh, Croc, Taco, AMX, Pin.

I opened my drawer and pulled out a folder, inspecting to see if any if their likes and dislikes were listed.

(This is all of their files)


Gender: Female

Age: 13

Eye color: Blue

Hair color: Black

Persona: Kind inside, tough outside. Likes Pinpoint.

Gender: Female

Age: 14

Eye color: Hazel

Hair color: Blond

Persona: Mature. Kind. Will take leadership in stressful situations.

Gender: Male

Age: 13

Eye color: Brown

Hair color: Black

Persona: Too innocent for this world. Never swears. Helpful. Caring. Likes Taco.

Gender: Male

Age: 13

Eye color: Black

Hair color: Black

Persona: Kind. Really smart. Weak. Helpful.

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Eye color: Blue

Hair color: Blond

Persona: Caring. Kind. Smart. Likes AMX.

Gender: Female

Age: 14

Eye color: Brown

Hair color: Black

Persona: Tough. Depressed. Kind. Caring. Likes Tano.

Gender: Female

Age: 14

Eye color: Blue

Hair color: Red

Persona: Soft. Kind. Caring. Helpful. Likes Pinpoint.

Gender: Male

Age: 13

Eye color: Black

Hair color: Brown

Persona: Smug. Kind. Smart. Likes Turtle.

AMX and Pinpoint burst in, "TURTLE, where you been?" AMX looked me up and down and then glanced at my messy bed sheets. She shook her head and sighed. "You really have to stop sleeping in." AMX led Pin outside and walked out herself, shutting the door on her way out.

I sighed, made my bed, brushed my teeth, changed, and walked out to the cafeteria for breakfast.

I noticed they were sitting in the corner away from everyone, giggling among each other. After grabbing my breakfast, I made my way over to them.

However, something caught my eye. Cosmic was standing near the entrance of the cafeteria holding a package. The package was brown, kind of crumpled, and had a plastic seal on the outside.

He looked toward the roof and nodded, walking out of the cafeteria. My friends met my gaze and glanced to the shut doors, confused.

I scanned the ceiling to see if I could see what he was nodding at. The roof of our school was covered in gray and black tiles, some of them were broken and hanging off. There were overhead lights next to them as well, but they were so dim that you could barely tell them apart from the tiles.

There was one tile that was missing in the far right corner but we had known that was gone for months now.

We had experienced a category 5 earthquake, and that piece had been the first to fall. It had killed.... Nova. We had lifted up the piece of shattered debris and had seen something that we all wish we never saw.

Nova's dead corpse, sticking out, saddening the room. I still remember the clothes he was wearing and the thing he had said right before it started. He was wearing jeans, a shirt with a wolf staring at you with the number 26 on the side. He had told us right before, "You guys are, just the best friends I could ever ask for."

Nova was Croc's best friend at the time and one of the most innocent and sweet guys at our school. I remember Croc running to his room and shutting the door, with violent sobbing emitting from it.

That was one of the first times, that I had felt genuine sadness at this school. Every other time I had watched someone get killed, they weren't that close and it was just us doing our job. I had stayed tough because I knew the risks of becoming a spy and the dangers that you would be in.

But Nova died from an earthquake. Not from getting shot in the chest for taking a bullet for someone. Not from a bomb that he shielded with his body to save millions. Not in any way that he deserved.

I shook my head, with tears rolling down my face from the thought. AMX could see me staring at the missing tile and she knew what was up. She sat me down and my friends huddled to try and calm me down. They grew saddened from recalling the events themselves and the mood of the room changed.

Taco suggested, "Maybe we should go for a walk?". My friends murmured and nodded their heads in agreement.

Stepping outside felt like we were on a different planet, and I could tell my friends felt the same way. All of us instantly perked up and forgot about what had happened.

We walked along a trail next to the school, marveling at all of the sights around us. Tree's covered by a fresh blanket of snow. Roofs of houses covered in icicles. All of this mixed with the Christmas lights put up looked amazing.

Christmas had already passed and new years was coming up, but people were either too lazy or liked the lights up because all of them still remained.

We found ourselves at the end of the trail with a park covered in snow as well. It was one of the previous public parks built because we only had one other park near us which was like 5 miles away. All of the families in our area were getting restless of having to drive each time and wait.

"Last one to touch the playground is a rotten egg" I could hear Croc shout with excitement. I shook my head, smiling, at him running towards the playground with his gun sticking out of his pocket. I knew that this was not on purpose, because Croc can't aim and would never hurt a fly.

Pin looked at us and shrugged. He took off and reached Croc, passing him in 3 seconds flat. AMX took off behind Pin as well and Marsh followed. Tano's head glanced from me and Taco to the other 4 running ahead. He smiled and ran trying to catch up to them.

Taco chuckled and started strolling down the gravel path. She glanced to her right at the frozen lake and smiled.

"Don't you love winter?" She glanced back at me still smiling. I nodded and said, "It's my favorite season". She nodded understandingly and glanced back ahead.

She looked towards her left at the snow covering the endless rows of trees. She stopped in her tracks and stared. I could tell she was concerned and checked myself. I saw a silhouette of Cosmic walking towards us from about 15 tree's back and could feel my shoulders un-tense at the sight of my friend.

However, Taco was still on edge and she put a hand on my shoulder still staring into the woods. She almost seemed to be telling me to get out, but she stayed silent. I could see her hand inching towards the gun in her belt. I glared into the woods and saw a more clear view of the figure.

It wasn't Cosmic but a... dog?

"Why are you so afraid of a do-" She muffled me by putting a hand over my mouth and stepped back. At this point, the dog was 2 trees in front of us and still inching closer.

Two orange eyes illuminated from the tree in front of me and I could see 10 more pop up behind it. I realized what these actually were...


The wolf in the front leaped at me but Taco was quicker. Taco pounced and pushed me down to the ground. She landed on top of me but sprang up, pulling out her gun. She shot 3 of the wolves in the front, all of them collapsing to the floor, the life draining from their eyes.

I heard a low growling on my left and swiveled, shooting one in the heart while it was mid air. It dropped to the ground and I ran to my right with the lake behind me. I took cover behind a bench and started taking fire. I could see my friends rushing back from the playground with their guns out, firing at the ones attacking Taco.

3 wolves jumped out from my left and another 2 from my right. They started circling around me, snarling, and snapping their teeth. I took out 2 on my right and saw bullets flying past me taking out the 3 on my left.

All 5 of their lifeless bodies dropped to the ground. I stood up and looked around at all of the wolves, dead. Cosmic appeared from the trail and his eyes opened wide out of shock.

He took one look around and told us, "25 wolves, no more, no less." I could see that they were all ranging in the colors gray and black. I looked at my friends calming themselves down and relaxing. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, letting the fresh air fill my nostrils.

Opening my eyes, I saw a white wolf appear out of the woods. I could see as its eyes locked on me and it stared me down.

I tried to pull out my gun but I couldn't. I tried to yell for help but I couldn't. Something was stopping me from saying everything expect for one thing.

"26" I could hear myself yell as the wolf charged. Its eyes locked on me as it ran towards me and I could do nothing but bare it down myself. I could hear my friends yell my name as it hit me in the chest, sending me flying back over the edge.

I saw 3 bullets fly behind the wolf but it was too late.

The ice under me broke and the cold water enveloped me. It felt like thousands of needles being pricked into my body at the same time.

I opened my eyes and saw the wolf right in front of me, staring into my eyes. Its pure, black, eyes were too much for me to handle and I felt like exploding. I tried to fight it off and swim up but I couldn't. I literally could not move, and it wasn't from the cold either.

Something about this wolf, was special.

I was out cold.

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