Joker x reader

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Reader pov.

I woke up to the sun shining in my eyes and a pounding in my head. I sit up slowly as my side burns in protest "You shouldn't be getting up so soon. You took a major blow little flame." Joker says leaning in the doorway signature cigarette hanging from his lips and that irritating smirk. He slinks over to the bedside table and hands me a glass of water and what I can assume to be pain meds. 

"Thanks" I mutter my throat feeling like sand paper. I pop the pills in my mouth and chug the water. He swipes the excess water from my chin and gives a low chuckle. "  You should have stayed home last night little flame and you wouldn't have gotten hurt"

 I couldn't help but roll my eyes at this man. He always acts like he can do everything on his own but one of these days he's going to get himself killed.  "and leave you to take on the evangelists by yourself? Are you forgetting that I have my own plans Joker" 

He only hums at me as he takes a long drag from his cigarette before putting it out and grabbing bandages from the med kit next to the bed. I lift my arms slowly letting out a small hiss as the pain intensifies in my side. Joker slips my shirt off over my head being extra careful on my left. He doesn't say anything as he undoes my bandages on my side and I can't help but watch the way his eyebrows scrunch together when my burns are revealed. It's the first time seeing my side since the incident and it was one of the nastiest burns I have ever seen. 

"It's going to leave a scar" he says as he carefully rubs the ointment on my side. A deep frown was set on his lips now and I know that he feels that it's his fault. "I'm sorry to worry you but I won't apologize for going. I had to find the truth on why they wanted me and you know better than anyone how important the tru- AAAH" I can't even finish my sentence as pain shoots through my whole side. 

"Little flame I told you that I would find it for you. They could have taken you if it wasn't for company 8 showing up." he says sharply as he finishes rubbing ointment onto me. Silence falls between us again as he starts to wrap the bandages around my torso. Once he finishes he hands me a fresh shirt and helps me put it on. 

 "I DO know more than anyone that the truth is important but I also know that they aren't going to stop until they have you back and I'm not going to lose you [Y/N]" He walks away leaving me to sit and think about everything.Guilt rises up in my chest knowing that everything he said was true. I think back to the night he told me about all the things that has been taken from him by Sol's shadow and even the evangelists. Thoughts  about how selfish and impatient I acted floated through my mind and I knew then that I had to apologize. 

I let out a small groan as I move to the side of the bed and slowly set my feet to the floor. I hold onto the side table as I lift myself up. I make small and calculated steps to the kitchen where I hear Joker shuffling around. I make it the threshold to see him cooking breakfast for us. A small smile graces my lips as I watch him. No matter how upset he is he always makes sure to take care of me.

I make my way over to him and wrap my arms around his waist. I burry my face in his back and inhale his smoky scent. "I'm sorry love I didn't mean to cause so much trouble for you. I'll make sure to think before I leap from now on" I say into his back as tears prick at my eyes. He stops doing whatever he was doing at the stove and turns in my arms. He pulls me close into his chest and lifts my chin with his hand.

"You are a pain little flame but your my pain to deal with and no one else will have you" he murmurs as his lips catch mine but before I can even kiss back he pulls away with that annoying smirk of his and says "You need to sit down and I'll finish breakfast" and just like that he lets me go from his arms and turns to cook but I grab his arm and say "For such a mysterious and alluring man you sure are soft"

"You're lucky you're injured or I wouldn't be going so easy on you but don't worry little flame you'll have plenty of time to make up for all the stress you have caused me and unless you want to start now I suggest you sit." he grunts out eyes narrowing in my direction. "mm whatever you say big guy" I sit at the table as he finishes breakfast. I cant help but think of how lucky I am to have him always there for me.

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