01 The Return (3/4)

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Amore stepped out of a train, remarking back at the machinery with wondrous eyes. The instrument impressed the tall unicorn with its ability to transport them miles through the snowy lands while keeping its passenger well heated.

And her stupor continued further when she stood before the crystalline constructs before her. The endless bounds of gems shimmered under the sunlight. "This place is extraordinary."

"Does any of it remind you of anything?" Sombra asked, stepping to her side with a red cloak concealing his face.

"Nothing, unfortunately," Amore confessed. "Are you certain that I come from this place?"

"You were its Princess," Radiant said, stepping to Amore's other side. "Among all the gems of the Crystal Empire, you were the one that ponies treasured most."

"Before I took her away," Sombra mumbled.

"No," Radiant stated, stomped before Sombra to grab his cheeks. "I won't have any of that."

"But none of this would happen had I simply talked with her like she suggested," Sombra argued. "I let my anger cloud my decision, and because of that, I—"

Radiant silenced Sombra with a kiss. His eyes widened at Radiant's endearing smile. "No more burying yourself in what-ifs. From now on, we look at our present and future."

"Oh, my," Amore said, flashy a cheeky smile at the two. "I did not think you two could be so daring within the public."

"What?" Sombra stammered. The impish expression on Amore was new to him.

"It figures your fascination in romance would never leave you," Radiant snickered. "You were always invested in the love life of all of your ponies."

"Since when?" Sombra questioned.

"Since forever," Radiant said. "It's filly talk, Sombra. You wouldn't understand."

"Speaking of which," Amore said. "What shall we do about the attention we are attracting?" The trio noted eyes of ponies gawking at them, specifically at the tall unicorn in a crystalline garment. "I'm not sure how to deal with this."

Sombra tugged his hood forward. He pressed onward, grabbing Amore's forehoof to follow him. "Let's get you out of here."

As Sombra and Radiant guided Amore through the streets of the Crystal Empire, she met with the eyes of the residents. They appeared stunned and slack-jawed at her presence.

"Maybe I should have brought a cloak as well," Amore said.

"You have nothing to be afraid of," Radiant assured. "That goes for you too, Sombra."

"I don't think ponies will take solace in their tyrant waltzing back in their home," he retorted.

"Tyrant?" Amore said.

"It's not important," he snapped. "Let's just hurry."

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