"Couple of scrapes and bruises. He declined medical treatment."

Jace nodded and ignored the need to fire more questions at Hodge.

He also ignored the innate desire to flip the folder open again so he could take in Simon's image once more. Even now, Jace was wondering about the severity of his injuries.

It wasn't a good sign.

"When I heard about the attack, I went down there myself," Hodge said.

"You have a personal connection to him?" Jace asked.

Hodge paused and shifted his eyes to the ground briefly. "I do," he said softly. Jace was surprised when Raphael settled his hand on Hodge's shoulder.

"There's no judgement here, Hodge," Raphael said gently.

Hodge nodded. "Simon is the son of the man I was partnered with shortly after I got out of the police academy. His name was George. I wasn't out back then, but George was. The department wasn't exactly tolerant when it came to homosexuals on the force. George, he didn't care, but I did. I knew what it meant."

When Hodge seemed too pained to continue, Jace said, "Your brothers in blue wouldn't have your back."

Hodge nodded and then he was looking directly at Jace. "Raphael said you'd get it."

Jace swallowed hard at that.

He got it all too well.

And that fact made it clear as to why he'd been chosen for this particular job.

Jace managed a nod in response, but nothing else.

"I asked to be assigned to a new partner. My request was granted," Hodge continued. "When I next saw George, he'd been notified of the transfer and he..."

Hodge's words fell off, but neither Raphael nor Imogen urged him to go on. It was a good thirty seconds before he did.

"He told me he understood and that he thought I was going to make a hell of a good cop. He was killed that night responding to a home invasion. His backup never showed up."

Hodge took in a shuddering breath before he said, "No one in the department was ever disciplined for it. The higher-ups bought the story that the units who should have responded misunderstood the address dispatch gave them. The fuckers were joking about it the next day - said the best kind of..."

Hodge covered his mouth with his hand briefly, then forced the ugly words out. "The best kind of fag was a dead one." Hodge paused, then explained, "I was one of two people who went to the funeral. The other was George's boyfriend, Magnus. Turned out that George's family had disowned him. Magnus didn't know who I was at first, but afterward when he found out..."

Hodge's voice dropped off and this time, he didn't continue.

"George had a son?" Jace finally prodded.

He nodded. "Simon was adopted. He was just a boy when George died."

It took Hodge several long beats before he seemed to collect himself. "Magnus started a successful investment firm and just recently handed the reins over to Simon. But from everything I've seen and heard, Simon's true passion is the foundation."

It didn't surprise Jace one bit that Hodge had apparently been keeping tabs on George's son. "What kind of foundation is it?" Jace asked.

"It focuses on the rights of LGBTQ individuals by providing legal support in discrimination and court cases. It also donates money to different causes and educates the community."

Jace nodded in understanding. It was no surprise that the young man and his foundation would have been targeted. The support for same-sex relationships had grown in leaps and bounds over the years, but it was far from perfect.

"So, you think someone is targeting Simon?" Jace asked, suddenly eager to get started on his assignment. Even the idea that danger could be stalking Simon Lewis at this very moment was making him antsy.

"It's not the first time the place has been vandalized, but I think it's the first time he's been directly attacked. I don't think he wanted me to know it, but he seemed really spooked by the whole thing. But when I offered to beef up patrols in the neighbourhood, he told me not to bother." Hodge's tone made it clear why Simon had declined the offer - the young man clearly doubted the cops would take any better care of him than they had his father.

Hodge's eyes held Jace's as he said, "I just need to make sure it was a onetime thing. I owe it to Magnus... and George."

"Understood," Jace said. "Why not just put some police protection on him?

"Simon shares his father's hatred of all things police. I doubt he would have even reported the incident last night if a passer-by hadn't seen what was happening and called 911. When we arrived, he wasn't exactly cooperative... or welcoming. Not that I can really blame him."

I just... I need to know the threat to Simon, if there is one, is taken care of. But he can't know I'm involved-"

"He won't," Jace cut in. "I'll make sure of it."

Though Jace didn't have any kind of personal connection with Hodge, he owed it to Raphael and Imogen to make sure this job didn't go sideways. "I'll find a way to get close to him without him being the wiser," Jace murmured before glancing at Imogen and Raphael. Both of them nodded and Jace knew that they were trusting him to figure out the best way to get into Simon's inner circle. Jace stood and held his hand out to Hodge. "I'll keep him safe," Jace said.

Hodge rose, nodded, then took his hand. "For George," he whispered.

"For George," Jace agreed, though he knew in his gut that it wasn't just the obligation to the fallen officer that would have him keeping Simon safe.

It was a reality he didn't want to deal with, so he tucked the folder under his arm before saying his goodbyes to Raphael and Imogen.

Time to figure out who exactly Simon Lewis was and how to keep him from meeting his father's fate.

Keep You Safe (JaceXSimon) Where stories live. Discover now