Chapter 3

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Sam arrived at school an hour late today. She walked through the door to get to her Psychology class and everybody stared. Walking to her seat, the teacher looked at Sam in shock, "Good evening, Sam, why are you late?" he asked.

"Apologies Sir didn't get much sleep last night I was slow dancing in the dark with my friends." She replied.

The class wolf-whistled at her, Sam, the introverted girl, turned to the class and said, "It was truly beautiful." Catching James' eye his naturally golden sun-kissed skin soon turned red. Sam got her equipment out and continued with her day.

Meanwhile, Harry and Aimee bunked a couple of hours off school to spend some intimate time together. As for the two of them were making out they heard stones being thrown at Harry's window. Who could it be? Aimee thought. It was Eva, she was crying, Harry ran downstairs to open the door and invite her in. Eva waddled in and ran into Aimee's arms, "I'm sorry for last night, I have felt so guilty for it and I wish I never left to go home with Lois. She is destroying me. She blames me for every inconvenience in her life. She is so draining to be around." Eva continued speaking and went into serious detail about the pressure Lois has been putting on Eva. "I don't know what to do. She said, 'If I leave her she'll throw the white towel in' I can't leave her after she has said that, I don't want that to be on my conscience for the rest of my life." Calming Eva down, Harry guided Eva to his leather black sofa in his room whilst Aimee grabbed tissues. Eva said, "This is all my fault."

"No, it isn't Eva. Lois has been manipulating you, blackmailing you, making your life a misery. I think it's time to end things with her. I know you love her but look what she's doing to you. She is ruining you." Harry said,

"But she says she doesn't mean to do it and if she does, it's out of love," Eva said, sobbing into her tissues.

"If she loved you, she wouldn't be doing these things to you. I'm sorry to break the news like this Eva, we both are, but it's time to cut the ropes." Aimee said,

"But she said she will 'throw the white towel in'" Eva said, excusing and dismissing everything they're saying – still defending Lois.

"Eva, I know this is difficult and a lot to take in, but she is saying that because that's how manipulators swallow their victims. You are a victim of this relationship. The way she is treating you isn't fair." Harry said.

Eva, now weeping, thanked Harry and Aimee for helping her see it. "What do I say to her?" she asked,

"Get everything off your chest, tell her how she has made you feel. We can help you if you'd like?" Aimee offered.

After a couple of hours planning and writing what to say, they came up with the right thing to say.

Lois, I'm breaking up with you. You are a manipulator and you put so much pressure on me. You make me feel like I have to save you all the time and that is unfair on me as I am not a shrink. I appreciate that you told me your problems, but you never acknowledged how that mentally affects me. You put so much unnecessary stress, drama and pressure on me. I fell in love with you from the moment we met, that made me vulnerable as I let my guard down and you took advantage of that. From the second month of dating you my friends and I started to notice that I was never as happy as I was. I was always angry or upset, never happy, like I used to be – it is toxic. You get jealous over the littlest of things, for example, when we met Greenie, you couldn't stop being all over me, I could barely get a word out of my mouth to speak to her because you had to show that I am yours. You might think you were just being a good girlfriend but after finally opening my eyes it has made me realise that this isn't what I want. I feel like I'm a piece of string wrapped around your finger. Since dating you, I have lost a lot of confidence and happiness. I need you to be aware of what you are doing to me. I need you to understand. I take some responsibility for this, but this is mainly your fault so don't even try to play the victim because it won't work with me. From Eva

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